Tuesday, December 20, 2011

8 Self-Care to Treat Hemorrhoids

Symptoms of hemorrhoids often interfere even be very painful. However, there are actually businesses that can be done to reduce and relieve the symptoms of hemorrhoids.

The efforts of self-care that can relieve the symptoms of hemorrhoids as quoted MSNHealth, Tuesday (11/15/2011), among others:

1. Use water therapy
Water can be very soothing for hemorrhoids that are inflamed, pain, and itching. Cold compresses or soak the anal area in warm water for about 10 minutes several times a day can also be very helpful.

Many people find that rubbing gently with a damp towel, rather than with toilet paper, can be more convenient.

2. Trying to counter hemorrhoid medication
Several types of medications without a prescription or OTC offers quick help to relieve symptoms of hemorrhoids. Drug or product including hemorrhoids creams, gels, foams, suppositories containing hydrocortisone and pads, or constricting drugs.

Or numbing medication, such as, Preparation H, pads containing medication, and Lanacane. Oral medications that can help reduce inflammation and pain include acetaminophen (Tylenol), aspirin, and ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin).

3. Eating more fiber
Fiber helps avoid constipation and smooth bowel movements, which are both major risk factor for hemorrhoids. High-fiber diets also reduce the pain of hemorrhoids by making feces become softer and easier to remove.

Most Americans consume less than 14 g of fiber per day, while the recommended is 25 g per day for women and 38 g per day for men.

Some foods high in fiber, including fruits, vegetables, beans, bran, wheat cereal, and bread. High-fiber diet can also lower the risk of several serious diseases, such as colon cancer, heart disease, and obesity.

4. Eating fibrous food product
Many people find it difficult to get enough fiber in their diet to produce softer stools, which can reduce the risk and pain of hemorrhoids.

Eating high-fiber diet is the best. But if it can not consistently get 20-35 g of fiber per day through foods consumed, there are various products that can complement fiber intake.

These products include psyllium (Konsyl, Metamucil), methylcellulose (Citrucel), calcium polycarbophil (FiberCon), and wheat dextrin (Benefiber), all of which can be bought without prescription at your local grocery store or pharmacy.

5. Eating plenty of water
Water is a key element to produce a softer stool which in turn can reduce the pain of hemorrhoids. Drinking enough water can also help prevent hemorrhoids.

As a general rule, you should drink about eight 8 glasses of water a day, especially if it is in the hot weather and during exercise. Moreover, it also should avoid or limit intake of alcohol and caffeine. Alcohol and caffeine can increase water loss from the body, which can cause a hard stool and increases the pain of hemorrhoids.

6. Do enough physical exercise
Physical exercise is a key component to prevent and treat hemorrhoids. If the daily life or work allow to sit for long periods of time, be sure to get up and move around for a few minutes every hour.

Be aware that certain physical activities should be avoided, including seated for a long time in the toilet, lift weights, and anal sex, all of which can increase the risk of hemorrhoids and worsen symptoms.

7. Do not delay defecation
Morning is a hectic time for many families, and may not feel to have time to sit on the toilet and use the bathroom.

Although it does not need to have a bowel movement in the morning, it is important not to delay having a bowel movement when it has felt the urge to defecate. Delaying bowel movement can cause constipation and aggravate and increase the risk of developing hemorrhoids.

8. Taking special care
Hemorrhoids are very common during pregnancy and after childbirth. To make a person and her baby is safe, it must consult with a health care provider about symptoms that may occur, such as pain and itching in the anus.

One simple treatment while being pregnant is lying on the left side when resting or sleeping to help reduce pressure on certain blood vessels that can cause swelling and cause the vein was

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