Showing posts with label health. Show all posts
Showing posts with label health. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

7 Human Diseases Transmitted from Animals

Humans often use animals to meet their own needs. Although different species, does not mean that diidap animal disease can not be transmitted to humans. This phenomenon is called a zoonosis.Cleanliness is the key to avoiding infectious diseases of animals. Not all diseases can be transmitted, but some kabanyakan transmitted diseases harmful to humans.Seven animal diseases that can be transmitted to humans as reported by, Thursday (11/17/2011), among others: 1. ToxoplasmaTouching cat feces is a gap where toxoplasmosis attack humans. Wash your hands after touching the cat litter. Pregnant women should be very careful because toxoplasma...

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

8 Self-Care to Treat Hemorrhoids

Symptoms of hemorrhoids often interfere even be very painful. However, there are actually businesses that can be done to reduce and relieve the symptoms of hemorrhoids. The efforts of self-care that can relieve the symptoms of hemorrhoids as quoted MSNHealth, Tuesday (11/15/2011), among others: 1. Use water therapy Water can be very soothing for hemorrhoids that are inflamed, pain, and itching. Cold compresses or soak the anal area in warm water for about 10 minutes several times a day can also be very helpful. Many people find that rubbing gently with a damp towel, rather than with toilet paper, can be more convenient. 2. Trying to counter...

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Bad memories can be lost only by Sleep and Dreaming

When experiencing something unpleasant, someone usually so difficult to sleep for fear of nightmares. But according to the study, sleep and let the brain the imagination in dreams just potent eliminate those bad memories.Research conducted at the University of California at Berkeley shows, while dreaming of the brain will activate certain nerves to relieve the tension of mind. Whatever type of dream, a reaction that occurs in general are equally soothing.Reactions that trigger changes in the nervous system activity in the brain that occurs in the phase of rapid eye movement (REM), when the dream began to take shape. Once awake, the person...

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

When pain relief Deteriorating Child in the Night

The disease has never come at the right time. Often the children wake up at night due to symptoms of certain diseases, whereas the doctor's office was closed and the mother does not know whether to wake the doctor or try to cope alone.Some symptoms can be a sign of serious harm, such as high fever, difficulty breathing, strange rashes or convulsions. Almost all the symptoms in infants under 4 months requiring treatment by a doctor immediately, no matter at any time.As quoted from, Sunday (27/11/2011), many symptoms of illness in children is worse at night. Although not life-threatening, these symptoms can make children miserable.With...

Sunday, October 02, 2011

Hobby Sex Grandpa's Generate 50 Children

Luiz Costa de Oliviera (telegraph), One of the advantages of men compared to women's reproductive age is not limited by menopause. A grandfather in Brazil for example, up to age 90 years could still menghasilan 50 children from four wives are still related. The only hobby is his grandfather having sex.Luiz Costa de Oliveira, a retired farm workers in Brazil have 50 children and pleaded not able to remember his name one by one because of too many. Dozens of children's acquisition of four wives, a unique back 3 of them are still related to each other.His first wife was Francisca, who had given him 17 children before she died. Since then Luiz...

Saturday, October 01, 2011

Fatal injuries result Masturbation

Masturbation is generally more often done by men. But you should be careful in doing so, because there are some fatal injuries caused by masturbation.The new study, published in the Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine found that adolescent males masturbate more frequently than girls.Although this activity does not pose a hazard, but it remains cautious in doing so because there are some cases of injury or fatal accidents that occur in men due to masturbation, as quoted from, Saturday (09/24/2011), namely:1. The man who put the goods into the bladderA 40-year-old man put a tube into his bladder to masturbate. But...

Friday, September 30, 2011

Humor Can Soothe Dementia Patients

Humor can reduce agitated behavior in patients with dementia (dementia) by 20 percent. Nervous behaviors such as wandering, screaming and repetitive behavior. Unfortunately nurses dementia patients often forget the influence of this humor to therapy patients. Many studies have shown positive effects for healthy laugh. Scientific evidence has shown laughter can lower blood pressure and increase tolerance to pain. Research conducted by researchers from New South Wales in Australia shows that humor can reduce agitated behavior in dementia patients as much as 20 percent. A total of 400 residents of nursing homes that most of the experience...

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Really Frequent Drinking Can Damage Kidneys Soda?

Really Frequent Drinking Can Damage Kidneys Soda? Become soda craze many people that it tastes good and refreshing. But did you know that drinking soda craze can damage the kidneys?If the kidneys are functioning properly, about 200 liters of blood is filtered through these organs and the kidneys each day will spend about 2 liters of urine. Functioning kidneys produce hormones that control the production of new red blood cells and helps to regulate blood pressure.Small filters in the kidneys called nephrons separates waste products from the blood and restore electrolytes such as phosphorus, sodium and potassium back into the blood stream...

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Smart computers Tell Pain

Has it occurred that the computer could tell the pain? If it could talk, perhaps this device will inform us. Did you know, it turns out this can indeed happen.Researchers in the United States (U.S.) conducted a test. The result, computers can not talk when someone is sick because it has been specially trained to do so.Reported by Reuters and was quoted on Wednesday (14/09/2011), scientists at Stanford University in California, the U.S. used the learning software for classifying the data generated from the results of brain scans and detects when a person feels sick."The question we are trying to answer is, can we use an imaging tool to objectively...

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Male Erectile Dysfunction More Difficult Orgasm Than Ejaculation

Erectile dysfunction (ED) makes the function or the ability to ejaculate penis become blocked. Even so men with ED is still more than able to ejaculate orgasm. Orgasm and ejaculation are two different things although sometimes some men experience it simultaneously. Orgasm is a sensation of pleasure which he felt before the semen out during ejaculation. Well, DE ejaculation in men can still occur even if there are too quickly (premature ejaculation) and there is too long (terhmbat ejaculation). But although it can do ejaculate, the man complained about the difficulty of ED experience the sensation of orgasm. A new study finds that 65 percent...

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Modern Human Brain increasingly shrinking, We The Stupid?

LONDON - The brain may be big but about the performance is not necessarily efficient. That's about the tentative conclusions related to comparisons of intelligence between the ancient with the modern humans.Previously trapped disagreement among scientists about the effects of brain volume decline experienced by modern humans when early humans evolved from. Disagreement began when it was discovered that mentions during the last 20,000 years, the average human male brain volume decreased from initially 1500 to 1350 cubic centimeters cubic centimeters. The decrease was equivalent to a tennis ball.Kathleen McAuliffe writes in Discover magazine...

Monday, August 22, 2011

Human Brain Need Vacation

Doing the same routine every day will lead to boredom, boredom and the brain can not work optimally. For that there are four reasons that make the human brain needs a vacation.A study conducted by the Families and Work Institute found that doing a vacation like going to museums or the beach nearby is important for the brain.Here are 4 reasons that make the holiday becomes important for the brain, as quoted from Myfoxorlando com, Tuesday (16/08/2011), namely:1. Improve MemoryDr. Russell Poldrack as director of the Imaging Research Center at the University of Texas at Austin said the holiday will provide a new experience, this condition will...

Banish disease with Tai Chi

Tai chi is a martial art from China who harmonize slow movements with breathing. Repeated mention of research conducted diligently doing Tai Chi can dispel some serious diseases.In the analysis of 26 studies in English and Chinese in 2008, an expert internist and assistant professor at Harvard Medical School Gloria Yeh, reported that Tai Chi lowers blood pressure than 85 percent of the experiments conducted.Other studies have shown benefits for reducing blood levels of B-type natriuretic peptide, the initial symptoms of heart failure and maintain bone density in postmenopausal women. There are 12 movements of Tai Chi can even treat arthritis...

Saturday, August 20, 2011

10 Factors that Make Men Sterile

Infertility or fertility disorder is not just a problem of women but also men. There are several factors that can cause fertility problems in men can cause infertility. What is it?Within the last 50 years, male fertility is estimated to have declined about 2 percent per year. Most of fertility disorders in men is caused by wrong lifestyle choices.Experts revealed that when a couple experiencing infertility, then the third is caused by women, one third are caused by men and one third can be caused by both.Causes of infertility in males can be caused by genetics, but there are also related to lifestyle. Here is beebrapa things that can increase...

Monday, August 15, 2011

The Atmosphere is Boring in Office Bad for the Employees

Some prohibit their employees installing office knick-knacks on my desk, so impressed stiff and boring. According to recent research, the office atmosphere that is too rigid as it can make the brains of employees actually shrunk.The offices which prohibits its employees do 'personalization' desk by her favorite trinkets kerativitas excessive reasoned that can interfere with concentration. Because it works is not the focus, the welfare of employees fell 32 percent and productivity declined 15 percent.But according to recent research conducted by the architectural critic Tom Dyckhoff, a boring desk is also bad for the employees. Workspace narrow,...

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Sperm Will Not Make You Fat While High-Calorie

In general, the sperms have two dominant flavor that is bitter or sweet. If the more dominant flavor is sweet, does not mean that sperm could make fat as well as soft drinks even though they both contain lots of calories.Calorie content in semen is quite high, especially if produced by men who consume lots of sweets. Even fruits also include the source of natural sugars, which can increase the calorie content in semen so that taste sweeter.In a single ejaculation, on average, a man removing 15 mL of semen or approximately 1 tablespoon. As  from AskMen, Wednesday (20/07/2011), semen is released in a time ejaculation contains about 5-25...

In order for Breast Men Do not Draw

Generally enlarged breasts grow only experienced by women, but some men actually are who have breast enlargement. How do I fix this?In medical terms breast enlargement in men is called gynecomastia. This condition generally occurs when a male breasts grow bigger like a woman because of the overdevelopment of the breast tissue or a particular disease.This condition is different from the pseudogynecomastia (excessive chest fat) or pectoral hypertrophy. And in some rare cases sometimes found that male breast can produce milk.Men who have large breasts will make it a no confidence in himself. Even so there are some things you can do to cope with...

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Habits that Make a Strong Heart

The heart is a vital organ that must be maintained in order to be able to work optimally. For that there are 10 habits that can be done to strengthen the heart. What is it?Keeping the heart to stay healthy can help keep the organs in the body works well for getting the blood and oxygen intake is adequate. There are several things you can do to stay strong heart, as quoted from Menshealth com, Tuesday (08/02/2011), namely:1. Stop smokingHaving a smoking habit or a spouse can increase the 92 percent risk of heart attack. This is because cigarette smoke is inhaled can raise levels of bad cholesterol, lowers good cholesterol and improve blood...