Showing posts with label Tech. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tech. Show all posts

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Perbedaan antara 4G dengan 4.5 G

Jaringan 4.5G kini resmi hadir di Indonesia yang ditandai dengan peluncuran layanan 4G LTE-Advanced Smartfren di Jakarta, Rabu.Menurut Senior Manager Project Management Office (PMO) ZTE Indonesia, Vimal Kanagalingman, perbedaan 4G dan 4.5 terletak pada jumlah frekuensi sehingga menghasilkan kecepatan yang lebih baik."Perbedaan 4G dan 4.5 adalah 4G menggunakan single carrier, sedangkan 4.5G dua carrier," kata dia.Jaringan 4.5G yang tersebar dapat mendukung mode TDD (Time Division Duplex) dan FDD (Frequency Division Duplex) secara bersamaan.Jaringan tersebut dioperasikan pada frekuensi 800MHz dan frekuensi terbaru 2.300MHz.Dengan didukung dua...

Thursday, October 06, 2011

Taiwan Researchers Find 'Key Invisible'

Invisible key was developed by researchers from Taiwan. With the 'key' is, homeowners no longer have to fear losing the key.Instead of entering the key in the lock to open the door, the homeowner just make a repetition of hand gestures in front of the door to get into the house. This is the result of the technology created by Yaoi-pin Tsai and his team."In the future, you no longer have to worry about losing or forgetting to put the key," said Tsai.Further described by Tsai Yao-pin who teaches at the Technology and Science Institute of Northern Taiwan, his team put on a chip commonly used in video game console Wii as its core technology....