Showing posts with label News. Show all posts
Showing posts with label News. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Inilah Lima Aplikasi Android Terbaik Tahun 2015

Selama tahun 2015 berjalan, Vendor aplikasi smartphone berlomba membuat macam-macam aplikasi di playstore Android.Pengguna android tentu bisa memilih aplikasi mana saja yang cocok untuk mereka gunakan. Inilah lima aplikasi Android terbaik sepanjang 2015 seperti dikutip Mashable, Senin (28/12). 1. Adobe Photoshop LightroomAplikasi Adobe banyak digunakan oleh poto graper profesional. Bereda dengan versi desktop, Adobe keluaran smartphone bisa digunakan kaum amatir sekalipun. Aplikasi ini sangat mudah digunkan untuk membentuk foto sesuai keinginan. 2. Apple MusicMeski baru berdar dalam versi Beta, keberadaan aplikasi ini tentu memutus...

Friday, October 07, 2011

Alibaba is very interested in buying Yahoo

Rumors that Yahoo will sell the more powerful by a statement from the CEO of Alibaba that it is very interested in Yahoo. "We are very, very interested in buying Yahoo," said Jack Ma, Alibaba CEO and chairman.Jack Ma even added that they are eager to buy Yahoo but overall Terhadang by the complexity of the process to be executed. This is because there are many 'players' who will be involved.Alibaba is a web-based company established in China in 1998. This large group has a lot of services such as retail & payment platforms, shopping search engines, and cloud computing services.Alibaba Group owns tens of thousands of workers in some 70...

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Twitter can now post photos via SMS

Twitter seems to attempt to meet the needs of users who have not used a smartphone. Microblogging site that allows posting of photos now by sending short messages (SMS).Previously, Twitter is already allowing updates via SMS. Users also can receive Twitter updates via SMS without having to open a Twitter account. However, this facility has not been able to send pictures without the aid of mobile Twitter application.Nevertheless, the interest of users is large enough. Since Twitter supports updates via SMS to the user, as reported by Reuters on Thursday (09/22/2011), about 4 billion SMS sent and received each month Twitter.Innovation also continues to accommodate the photo posting services via SMS. It's just that this facility is only available for 6 countries by cooperating with nine different...

Friday, September 23, 2011

A World's Smallest Camera, Measuring 1 Inch

A world's smallest camera successfully created. Despite its size no bigger than a fingertip, but he could operate like a normal-sized camera.This camera only has a size of 1 inch and weighs 28 grams. But do not underestimate the size because he can take a picture of 2 megapixels and can record video.Manufacturing pembesutnya the Hammacher Schlememr membanderol mini gadget is priced at USD 99.95. Fred Berns, general manager of the factory, based in New York, said, "This is a remarkable tool and we hope he can popular on the market".The resulting image from the camera shots are JPEG format with a resolution of 1600 x 1200. Quoted from dailymail...

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Huawei Launches Commercial Network LTE TDD / FDD

Competition among vendors and communications technology increasingly fierce. Huawei presents the latest episode of breakthrough with the launch of a commercial telecommunications network convergence LTE TDD / FDD claimed first in the world.By utilizing innovative solutions SingleRAN LTE, the LTE TDD / FDD Huawei touted to increase mobile Internet access with download speeds of 134Mb / s and upload 124.8Mb / s."As a leader of information and communications technology ecosystem continues to grow, the world's telecom operators are always looking for new ways to have the network they can be more flexible, efficient and effective in providing...

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Wow, Computers Can Live Without Electricity

In the arena of IDF 2011 Intel demonstrated how a computer can work without using electric current, but only utilizing ultra violet rays.This demonstration shows the efficiency deliberately displayed by the processor power consumption in the future.In a demonstration at the Moscone Center West, San Francisco on Tuesday (13/09/2011), the processors 'no name' is seen only gets power supply from a small battery storage of solar power."In addition to saving power, this processor also has a sleek design, so the impact on the shape of a thin notebook," said Paul Otellini, President and Chief Executive Officer, Intel Corporation.Unfortunately, Intel...

Tuesday, September 06, 2011

Mozilla Showcase Firefox for Tablet

Mozilla exhibit design leaked Firefox web browser application which will be available for tablet computing devices. Firefox is developed by the Mozilla Mobile team will run the Android operating system 3.0. Until now Mozilla has not determined the certainty regarding the timely launch of Firefox Tuesday. Ian Barlow, Mozilla's mobile user experience designer, said that the Firefox version of the tablet that was developed was an evolution of Firefox for mobile phones earlier versions. Modification that includes several enhancements that give advantage in sailing larger tablet. "The mobile phone version, we hide all elements of the UI (user...

Thursday, September 01, 2011

Laptops Two Screen Ready for Release November 2011

Good news for those who need a double screen on his laptop. A laptop with dual screen ready to be launched by gScreen and claimed to be the first in the world.GScreen, Alaska-based company makes a laptop that has 2 HD LED screen measuring 17 inches. Each run with Windows 7 and has a capacity of 500 GB hard drive and RAM 8 GB.Of course with dobelnya screen, he has that extra weight by 10 pounds. For comparison, MackBook Pro 17 inch has a weight of 6.6 pounds and 17 inch HP Envy berbpbot 7.5 pounds.SpaceBook presence had been reported since long time but now GScreen confirms that the product is ready for the market in November this year but...

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Download Mozilla Firefox 6.0.1 Latest Version August 2011

For more details about what features are contained in the latest Mozilla Firefox 6.0.1, can visit the official link here. To the fans of the Mozilla Firefox browser, can Download Mozilla Firefox 6.0.1 Latest Version August 2011 on the official link below. For Windows here

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

IOS 5 infiltrated application quake warning

Apple's latest operating system IOS 5 comes earthquake early warning applications aimed at Apple users in Japan.According to users who have access to the beta version of IOS 5, there are options in the Notification Centre setting that allows Japanese users receive early warning of earthquakes. IOS 5 can be run on the Apple iPhone, iPod touch and iPad.Apple reported in the 9to5 blog, use an application that takes a large battery.Japan's earthquake warning system has been online since 2007. That system would provide an earthquake warning two minutes before the quake so that users can save themselves. The system was also able to send text alerts...

Monday, August 22, 2011

Malware increasingly creative Deceptive Facebooker

Trojan malicious program that spreads using the media of social networks like Facebook and other more creative to fool potential victims. Mode is enough to attract attention is to lure the help, as did the Trojans were identified as Win32/Delf.QCZ.Eset security company said this is one variant of a trojan that downloads other malware from the internet. As it is known that the worm spread through a link on social networking sites and act by intervening in several security applications to disable security applications such detection.Win32/Delf.QCZ said to use old applications 'fake codec / media player' and links to malware-laden sites that...

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Inventor of WWW Crowned the Most Inspirational People

Inventor of WWW (World Wide Web), Tim Berners-Lee was awarded the title as the most inspirational person in their 50s. This British man to beat aging actor Hugh Grant, Colin Firth and a long list of other big names.Is a member of the club dot com high50 named Lee who became a figure that is considered most able to provide a positive influence on British society. This club is an online community to believe that life begins at age 50.50 names which contain those inspirational collected by a number of journalists who then leave the decision on the reader by way of voting sites.Responses obtained from this site quite a lot. They receive as many...

Friday, August 19, 2011

Google Add Features Weather Maps

The function of Google Maps is now more and more. Google adds new features to the service layer in the form of weather mapping was hers. With this feature, users can find the latest weather conditions for a region.Reported by Digital Trends, Friday (19/08/2011), this feature can be activated via the drop-down menu at the top right of the screen Maps, which also include other layers such as traffic and transit. Weather this layer only appears when users zoom out in the targeted region.The information appears as a pop up window will show the weather conditions across the region on the map. Additionally, the menu will appear that lets users...

Western Digital (WD) Recommend Drive 1TB for Notebooks

Western Digital (WD) WD Scorpio Blue drives streamline to 9.5 mm. Because the lean, hard drives 2.5 "1TB capacity is now more suitable for notebooks.As noted in a statement received on Friday (08/19/2011), 1 Tera Byte (TB) WD Scorpio Blue 500 GB using two discs.Matt Rutledge, vice president and general manager of Client Storage, WD, said the hard drive is an option with the highest storage capacity for portable computers.With the large capacity hard drive was a small thin, Rutledge said the slim-sized mobile devices can still have a large capacity. This hard drive is also suitable for use in said external storage and digital media players.Some...

Thursday, August 18, 2011

FBI Launches Missing Child Locator Application

The U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) launched an application for finding missing children.According to the news on the website LiveScience, Monday (8 / 8 / '2011), with an application called Child ID, parents can keep important information about their child, such as photographs, fingerprints, and posture. Important data stored in the application can be directly sent to the police via electronic mail.The application also includes a guide for parents about what to do after her son disappeared. For now, applications can only run on the iPhone device and downloaded for free at Apple App Store. However, the FBI seeks to develop Child...

Monday, August 15, 2011

Twitter Release Features Photo Sharing

Social networking tool Twitter launches photo sharing, photo-sharing tool, offering the original version of a feature that until now remained largely the domain of the parties when such Twitpic and Yfrog.The first feature was hatched to users after their introduction in June. Twitter said this week that the feature has been available to all users of Twitter.By clicking the "What's Happening?", A camera icon will appear at the bottom and users simply click on it to add pictures to tweets.Photo-sharing and Twitter is supported by Photobucket, which became the host (home) all the photos have been uploaded.Photos can be uploaded can be up to...

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Facebook Messenger: Chatting New Media Facebooker

Facebook has just released a messenger application for IOS and Android. Inside there are some features to send messages either through 3G networks, WiFi, or via SMS. Yuk, peeled one by one feature. Facebook Messenger somewhat got applause from the user. In a short time, the application immediately dominate a list of the most diundah on the iTunes Store. In the Android Market, the application is not yet topped the best-selling downloadable free suite of applications, but it's been installed in more than 500 thousand gadgets with an average response from both users. Intrigued by this application, direct download via the web version...

Disney Develops Technology Tactile Sensation All Over His Body

Disney Develop Technology Touches Her whole body A technology being developed by Disney Research, Pittsburgh (DRP). If applied to the game, this technology could produce a tactile sensation all over his body. This technology is called Surround Haptics. Through worn tool, the user can feel the sensation of touch on the body that are not even touched directly by the instrument. If applied to the game, for example, this technology can help bring the sensation of 'flying' or 'fall' a touch of wind on the skin. As quoted from the Disney site Research on Thursday (11/08/2011), Surround Haptics uses a low resolution grid is fitted with vibrators. The...

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

First in Defcon, Hacker Classes for Children

Defcon, the world-level conference for the hackers (hackers) held a Kids Defcon, hackers classes specifically for children. This performance is the first time in 19 years organizing Defcon.Class discussions and tutorials are intended for children ages 8 to 16 years. Demand no less, 60 children attend classes that took place during the 6 to August 7, 2011 last. Defcon is itself a convention attended by some 10,000 hackers to share their knowledge about the techniques to penetrate and secure the computer and other devices.In the event that was held in Las Vegas, USA, 4-7 August 2011, these children were divided into two classes. Here they met...

LG P920, 3D Tool In Grip

Enjoying the content of 3-dimensional (3D) by using special glasses may be used, but without the glasses it was remarkable, especially for a phone. 3D mobile phone era is likely to be initiated by the presence of the LG P920, or to be known as 3D Optimus. This phone is not only capable of displaying videos and photos in 3D mode but also capable of making such content. Also, what features are offered? Design: Great and Simple For anyone who just does this phone, it will assume great shape and the 'box'. Yes, 3D Optimus did appear so. This product comes without an adventurous design, measuring 4.3 inch screen and weighs about 168 grams. Quite...