Saturday, February 11, 2012

Well, hackers Secret FBI intercepted Conference

Hacker group Anonymous on Friday (3/2) aired a conversation in a conference call between the United States Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and British law enforcement officers regarding the investigation of cyber crime.

According to the 17-minute conversation that was broadcast on YouTube, the UK law enforcement officers and U.S. discuss an ongoing investigation of some hackers are now tracked and their plans to take legal action. Most of the original name has been circulated on the internet, while a pseudonym suspects remain on the tape.

Anonymous also transmit electronic mail (email) from the FBI, under the title "International Coordination Lulz Anon-Call". E-mail was sent to more than 40 law enforcement officers in the U.S., UK, Ireland, Netherlands, France and Sweden, to invite them to discuss the investigation relating to Anonymous, Lulzsec, AntiSec hackers and other groups.

The tape shows officers from London, Los Angeles and Washington following the teleconference on 17 January. FBI and Scotland Yard has confirmed the confidential telephone line has been compromised, as well as e-mail containing details of the teleconference.

"The information is intended only for law enforcement officials and obtained by breaking the law. Criminal investigation is being conducted to identify and arrested the people responsible," the FBI said in a statement to the media.

According to a BBC report, Center for Crime Investigation Unit of the London Metropolitan Police Maya states the problem being investigated. However, there is no risk of the operation have been identified.

After broadcasting the tape, Anonymous taunting the FBI about the intrusion, on Twitter. "The FBI may be very curious to know how we can continue to read their internal communications for a while now," said the hacker group in a message to Twitter, Friday morning.

Anonymous hackers from taking over the Greek Ministry of Justice network, and send the video recordings with a duration of two minutes in the UK discussed the bailout plan to protest the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the European Union relating to the welfare policy for the country. The attack was made on the Greek ministry of the deadly website.

Anonymous, which describes itself as an "Internet society", usually seen in media reports as a group of hackers who have loose ties. The group is targeting a network of government, law enforcement agencies, and companies in recent years. (ANS / Ant)

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