Monday, July 22, 2013

Staring at the Future of Cloud Computing

These days, nearly everyone knows that the cloud is one of the major trends that drive komputansi for this decade. According to Forrester research institute, the global cloud market is expected to grow from U.S. $ 40.7 billion in 2011 to more than U.S. $ 241 billion in 2020, meaning an increase of over 600%.

Cloud was already accepted in everyday conversation - we no longer suppose it's a matter of what cloud and what are the benefits, now being discussed are practical things about how to achieve the vision of the ideal cloud.

One of the concepts in the past year a lot of attention is the hybrid cloud.

A service that combines private and public cloud, hybrid cloud is the next step when we talk about the cloud. A hybrid cloud is designed to allow the company leverages the scalability and cost efficiencies of public cloud service, while maintaining data governance, security and control of a private cloud service.

When constructed properly, hybrid cloud provides a strategic advantage to the business by diverting resources from IT procurement fragmented into service innovation. When you give birth to a hybrid environment in which existing services talk to each other - not just a stand-alone - then you will build a rich fabric of services and attractive to users, both customers, internal or services that can be accessible to the public.

Open the Future

We believe the best way to implement this vision is to open a hybrid cloud.

What is an Open Hybrid Cloud is not just a technology or specification. It's more than just partners mutually announced their support for a particular technology platform, and proposes an open standard format to the agency.

Open Hybrid Cloud is a vision of creating an open cloud environment to achieve the flexibility, portability and innovation.

We believe, Open Hybrid Cloud has the following characteristics:

Nature of Open Source

Do not want to lock in a business and technology roadmap of specific IT vendors? If you want to have control over your IT destiny and have full knowledge of the technology behind your business, obviously there is no option other than Open Source.

Open Source allows you to collaborate and connect with the passionate community that will encourage innovation and leadership. This rapid innovation can be a strategic advantage for your company.

Community has a rich, robust and independent

Open Source is not merely a matter of license code or technology - the heart is the people behind it.

Open Source Community provides a structure and network rich environment that can be used by companies as well as cooperative. Open Source communities form the basis of a large pool of skilled IT workers, often with a larger size than those in proprietary and closed environment. The idea of ​​the Open Source community is also growing into a corporate environment - where customers, partners and vendors work together to innovate and bring forth ideas to address the challenges of existing business and future.

Could be put on the infrastructure you want

Cloud services are abstractions of the layer below it: virtualization, storage, networking, etc.. Should not be tied to a particular vendor's technology infrastructure.

In fact, the open structure is very important in delivering hybrid cloud services is tough and physical server infrastructure includes a variety of different, many virtualization platforms and various types of public cloud services.

Based on open standards is independent in its application

In order to have full flexibility, interoperability approach should not be tied to a particular platform that is controlled by a particular vendor.

Furthermore, an Open Hybrid Cloud services should be expanded with an open API that also are not controlled by a particular vendor. It enables users to add features, suppliers and technologies from a variety of sources and vendors. Flexibility and freedom to choose is the key of the Open Hybrid Cloud.

Allows full portability to another cloud

If you are developing applications for the cloud service, you should not have to rewrite it with a different language or use a different API now want to move to another service.

A framework for Open Hybrid Cloud will ensure that the testing and re-qualification will not be required each time you want to bring it to other service applications. Investment that has been spent on developing a cloud services - code, data, framework - should be moved to another place, resulting in cost savings.


The above reasons are why the future will komputansi cloud services running in the open.

The first step to reach Open Hybrid Cloud is available today, called OpenStack.

Began to attend since the end of last year, precisely in September 2012, under the care of a non-profit organization OpenStack Foundation, OpenStack is a global community of software developers who collaborate on an open standard cloud computing platform for public services, private and hybrid cloud.

Until now, there are more than 7,000 individual members from 100 countries and 850 different organizations, are contributing to OpenStack, including companies such as Red Hat, HP and IBMI.

In short, the cloud will change the future komputansi - he is open and already there now.

* About the Author: Damien Wong was General Manager, ASEAN, Red Hat

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