Saturday, April 20, 2013

Female Internet users is increasing

Observers as well as Associate Professor Department of Communication, Ateneo de Manila University Philippines Borsoto Cheryl said that internet users from women is increasing, especially in developed countries.

"By gender, female Internet users in the world started to rise indicated," said Cheryl Barsoto in Manila on Friday (19/4).

He quotes the Wall Street Journal reports that 38 percent of computer and internet users in major cities in Latin America are women. Although to date in Africa, as much as 86 percent, 83 percent, and 64 percent of computer and internet users in Ethiopia, Senegal, and Zambia are male.

"It is because men in Africa have been more had the opportunity to access information and education than women," she said.

Something similar happened in Arab where only four percent of Internet users in the region are women. But in the United States, the number of internet users balanced between men and women, even female users superior in terms of frequency of use.

"While in Japan, the number of men online is twice that of women, but the number was soon overtaken in the near future," he said.

According to Cheryl, the use of the internet and technology in general now play a major role in encouraging the intensity and variety of relationships that fostered community. In addition, in terms of frequency of contact that becomes more intense and expressive. "Resilience in relationships also kept awake all the time thanks to the convenience offered by the Internet and technology," said Cheryl Borsoto.

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