Tuesday, December 04, 2012

PopSlate case adds a rear screen to iPhone 5

There are thousands of cases you can get for your iPhone, but PopSlate for the iPhone 5 really stands out from the rest because it incorporates an e-ink display on the back of your phone.

The e-ink screen can be used to display photos, app updates, or even a location map. It draws power from the iPhone 5′s lightning port, but won’t put much strain on your iPhone’s battery life. Incidentally, since the case connects to the lightning port, you have to then charge your iPhone via a micro-USB cable instead.

PopSlate is currently a little over $100,000 in funding on Indiegogo with 43 days left for the campaign to close. Check out the video below and then go give them some of your money for this truly awesome iPhone 5 case.

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