Friday, October 28, 2011

Zynga Releases New Games and a New Platform

Noah Berger for The New York TimesMark Pincus, founder and chief executive of Zynga, announced new games Tuesday. Zynga executives held a press conference at the companys headquarters on Tuesday. They introduced several new games, including CastleVille, Bingo, Hidden Objects and a sequel to its early hit Mafia Wars, as well as new ways of playing old games.They also talked about something that might be even more significant to the companys future: a new playground that would leave it less captive to the whims of its partner Facebook.The larger game playing out here was Zyngas effort to redefine itself. Fifty-nine million people around the...

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Emotion, Music and Humor at Steve Jobs Memorial

The memorial for Steve Jobs on the Stanford University campus Sunday night featured an intimate series of tributes from friends, colleagues and family.According to someone present at the service, one of Mr. Jobs’s daughters read the script from the Apple television commercial known as “The Crazy Ones,” part of an advertising campaign that saluted iconic figures like Muhammad Ali, Ted Turner and John Lennon (here is a clip of the original version of the commercial as narrated by the actor Richard Dreyfuss and an unaired version narrated by Mr. Jobs himself).Mona Simpson, Mr. Jobs’s sister, spoke of being present during the last moments of his life.Joan Baez sang “Swing Low, Sweet Chariot.” Bono, the U2 frontman, performed a Bob Dylan song, “Every Grain of Sand.” Mr. Dylan was one of Mr. Jobs’s...

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Opening Day: The iPhone 4S

8:46 a.m. | Updated Adding observation from San Francisco.12:43 p.m. | Updated Added observations from the New York flagship store and reactions from analysts.Despite an initial lackluster response, excitement has been building for the release of Apple’s newest iPhone, the 4S.On Friday, it officially goes on sale to the public.Despite disappointment that the form of the iPhone 4S is identical to the previous iteration, each of the wireless carriers, AT&T, Sprint and Verizon, have sold out of online orders for the phone, indicating higher than expected demand. Apple said that those orders topped 1 million during the first 24 hours the phone was available â€" beating the previous single-day online order record held by the iPhone 4.Gene Munster, an analyst with Piper Jaffray, said in a...

Cellphones Are Servers and Servers Are Cellphones

SAN DIEGO — The marriage of computing and cellphone technology is about to get a lot more interesting, with phones acting more like computer servers in a data center, and computers looking more like phones.The CTIA ShowDispatches from the wireless industry’s fall event.The average smartphone has the processing power that the personal computer did only a few years back. It ably runs Angry Birds and keeps you up on Twitter feeds (and makes phone calls, if that is still your thing). But soon they will need to take on another chore: Distilling data from the world around us.The explosion of sensors, by one estimate 140 per person by 2013, up from...

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

RIM Faces a Naming Problem

OTTAWA–While Research in Motion disappointed many analysts this week by offering relatively little specific or new information about the next generation of BlackBerry phones, it did make one announcement at a software conference. The new operating system for those phones will be named BBX.But there may be a problem with that plan. Basis International, a software company based in Albuquerque, N.M., holds the trademark for a slight variation of that name, BBx, and it said it was taking unspecified legal action to protect its rights.“We are fielding numerous customer inquiries voicing their confusion about the RIM announcement, Nico Spence, the chairman and chief executive of Basis, said in a statement.The episode echoes the situation that occurred after Apples announcement of the iPhone...

Rising Demand May Save Intel From Low-Price Competitors

Intel has a message for its doubters: Time, in terms of a rush to build more big computing centers, is on its side. Speaking at the Web 2.0 Conference in San Francisco on Monday, Kirk Skaugen, an Intel vice president, said that the computer server market, which has more than doubled in the last 10 years to include some 16 million chips, will double again in the next five. Source: IDC WW Server Tracker (1995-2004 systems data) and internal analysis; 2005-2010 Intel shipments; 2011-2015 DCG forecast.A slide from Kirk Skaugen’s presentation shows that the computer server market will double in the next five years.This is a big deal for Intel,...

Monday, October 24, 2011

Sony Will Make Another Mobile Game Device

Jack Tretton, the president and chief executive of Sony Computer Entertainment America, announced Tuesday that the company’s PlayStation Vita mobile gaming device would go on sale in the United States on Feb. 22, 2012.Mr. Tretton made the announcement at the Web 2.0 Summit in San Francisco.In an interview on stage with Jane McGonigal, a game designer and the author of the book “Reality Is Broken,� Mr. Tretton said the Vita would aim for a younger audience by incorprorating social media like Foursquare, Skype, Twitter and Facebook into the device.Persuading customers to buy another gaming device, one that costs more than most smartphones,...

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Big Data in the Dirt (and the Cloud)

Big data, the term for scanning loads of information for possibly profitable patterns, is a growing sector of corporate technology. Mostly people think in terms of online behavior, like mouse clicks, LinkedIn affiliations and Amazon shopping choices. But other big databases in the real world, lying around for years, are there to exploit.A company called the Climate Corporation was formed in 2006 by two former Google employees who wanted to make use of the vast amount of free data published by the U.S. Weather Service on heat and precipitation patterns around the country. At first they called the company Weatherbill, and used the data to sell insurance to businesses that depended heavily on the weather, from ski resorts and miniature golf courses to house painters and farmers.It did pretty...

Friday, October 21, 2011

Hints of Apple Plans in Jobs Book

Alessandra Montalto/The New York Times “Steve Jobs” by Walter Isaacson will be published on Monday. Steven P. Jobs, Apple’s former chief executive, was notoriously secretive about the company’s plans when he was running the company. But in a new biography, the late Apple executive offered a couple of tantalizing clues about technologies and businesses the company was exploring.Mr. Jobs’s biographer Walter Isaacson says in the book that Mr. Jobs viewed textbooks as the next business he wanted to transform. His idea, according to Mr. Isaacson, was to hire textbook writers to create digital versions of their books for the iPad.He held meetings...

Gmail New Design Leaked on the Internet

The video reveals the new design of Gmail leaked on the internet. At first glance, this design looks more 'clean' and simple.In the video that was accidentally posted on YouTube by Google, it looks white color dominates here, so some elements such as 'starred' and 'important' stand out. At the very top there are also many additions does Google.Referring to Jason Cornwell, UX designer on the Gmail team, new look is very different from an existing view.In the face of the new Gmail, Google's co-presents the profile photo next to the name of the sender. This step seemed to follow the trail up the merge message, IM and email."Conversation in Gmail...

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Dolby Technology HDTV Strengthen First Media

cable television service provider First Media implementing technology Dolby Digital Plus surround sound as part of efforts to increase the pay TV service offering high definition (HDTV)."With Dolby Digital Plus as part of our HD service, users can now complete the high image quality with surround sound profound," said Hengkie Liwanto, Chief Executive Officer of PT Link Net, First Media brand owners in Jakarta, Friday (14/10 / 2011).Additional Dolby audio, says Hengkie, is one effort to improve service and compete in the pay TV industry in Indonesia."The adoption of Dolby Digital Plus by First Media is an important milestone in providing a...

Friday, October 14, 2011

More Than 4 Million iPhone 4S’s Sold Over First Weekend

Brendan Mcdermid/ReutersCustomers stood in line to buy the iPhone 4S in New York on Friday. People were O.K., it turns out, with an evolutionary iPhone. On Monday morning, Apple said it sold more than four million iPhone 4S’s during the device’s first few days on sale after its Friday release. That figure is more than double the 1.7 million units of the iPhone 4 that Apple sold during its first three days on the market in June of last year. The results seemed to be a vindication of Apple’s decision to offer what amounted to an upgrade of the iPhone 4 with its new model, rather than a wholesale makeover. The new phone’s look is virtually...

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Tech Talk Podcast: The iPhone 4S

This week’s Tech Talk podcast focuses on Apple’s new iPhone, the 4S, announced this week and the release of the new iOS 5 mobile operating system and its iCloud online service. Alan Yacavone, part of The New York Times’s I.T. team, provides his analysis of Apple’s new iPhone 4S hardware, as well as the company’s minor updates to its iPod line. He also joins a round-table discussion concerning the gap between the rampant rumors that swirl around most pending Apple announcements and the actual products that arrive.One of the highly touted features of the new iPhone 4S is the voice-activated Siri technology. Pedro Rafael Rosado explores the notion of a “virtual assistant in his regular Term of the Week segment.This week’s technology headlines include announcements from Microsoft concerning...

Monday, October 10, 2011

Behind the Oracle-Salesforce Cloud Brawl

Earlier this week, Oracle’s chief executive Larry Ellison went to greater pains than usual to beat up on the competition. Considering the stakes, it was worth it to him.Speaking at a trade show with 45,000 registered visitors, Ellison announced his companys formal entry into the business of selling software via a public cloud. The cloud is a huge conglomeration of computer technologies. Clouds, and all that they imply for business and society, are the biggest thing going in tech today, promising billions of people access to nearly limitless amounts of computing, data storage, and communications. With that in mind, Oracles entry into the market comes as no surprise.But what Ellison kicked off, and which competitors he kicked from the stage, says a lot about how this multibillion-dollar cloud...

Sunday, October 09, 2011

Eric Schmidt: Still More to the Steve Jobs Story

Tony Avelar/Agence France-Presse â€" Getty Images Steven P. Jobs and Eric E. Schmidt at a 2006 Macworld conference in San Francisco, when a partnership to provide Google software on an Apple iPhone was announced. Eric Schmidt, the executive chairman of Google and a longtime friend and competitor of Steve Jobs, says Mr. Jobs’s influence may yet be seen in new ways. This is a man whose impact is equal to any global leader, he said. He very much wanted to live and have a third act beyond Apple™s founding and its revival. As for whether that impact may grow through the wealth he leaves behind, Mr. Schmidt said, “it is not for me to characterize...

Saturday, October 08, 2011

Japanese Create Casing Phone Radiation Supervisors

Casing or cover a smartphone that can monitor levels of radiation to be one of the many results of the development of technologies that draw attention to the event CEATEC, Japan's largest electronics exhibition.Is NTT DoCoMo, Japan's number one operator who exhibit these findings. Public fears over the impact of radioactive compounds leak from a nuclear power plant (NPP) Fukushima into their backgrounds to develop these technologies.As is known, the earthquake and tsunamis that hit Japan last March has helped damage the Fukushima nuclear power plant. In many ways, the Japanese government to seek every means to at least reduce the levels of...

Friday, October 07, 2011

Alibaba is very interested in buying Yahoo

Rumors that Yahoo will sell the more powerful by a statement from the CEO of Alibaba that it is very interested in Yahoo. "We are very, very interested in buying Yahoo," said Jack Ma, Alibaba CEO and chairman.Jack Ma even added that they are eager to buy Yahoo but overall Terhadang by the complexity of the process to be executed. This is because there are many 'players' who will be involved.Alibaba is a web-based company established in China in 1998. This large group has a lot of services such as retail & payment platforms, shopping search engines, and cloud computing services.Alibaba Group owns tens of thousands of workers in some 70...

Thursday, October 06, 2011

Taiwan Researchers Find 'Key Invisible'

Invisible key was developed by researchers from Taiwan. With the 'key' is, homeowners no longer have to fear losing the key.Instead of entering the key in the lock to open the door, the homeowner just make a repetition of hand gestures in front of the door to get into the house. This is the result of the technology created by Yaoi-pin Tsai and his team."In the future, you no longer have to worry about losing or forgetting to put the key," said Tsai.Further described by Tsai Yao-pin who teaches at the Technology and Science Institute of Northern Taiwan, his team put on a chip commonly used in video game console Wii as its core technology....

Wednesday, October 05, 2011

The discovery of Technology Largest Not an iPod, but the Walkman

Although it was past its time, the discovery of the Walkman is still remembered today. Even a poll Walkman ordained as the second largest technological discoveries during the last 50 years, not the iPod.Sony Walkman came second in the poll that was held by It was first introduced 32 years ago and became the prime tool music player that lets users listen to music wherever they are.Devices made ​​by Sony is to subvert Apple products, iPods that are third. However, in the top 10 discoveries in 50 years that the technology, Apple products still dominate.Quoted from the Telegraph on Saturday (01/10/2011), the iPhone dominated this poll,...

Monday, October 03, 2011

Unleash the Robot Dogs of War

In 2007 Boston Dynamics, a robotics company, posted a video online of a robot called the BigDog that could run on any type of terrain like a dog. The video quickly went viral, partly because people were in awe of the robot’s agility and also because it was so scary to watch. On Thursday, Boston Dynamics showed off its latest robot: the AlphaDog. This new robot is essentially BigDog’s big scary brother. It’s officially called a “Legged Squad Support System,” or LS3, and it is financed by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency at the Pentagon, also known as Darpa, and the Marine Corps. According to Boston Dynamics, the AlphaDog can carry up to 400 pounds of gear, while storing enough fuel for a trip that covers 20 miles over 24 hours. The AlphaDog robot also doesn’t need a...

Sunday, October 02, 2011

Hobby Sex Grandpa's Generate 50 Children

Luiz Costa de Oliviera (telegraph), One of the advantages of men compared to women's reproductive age is not limited by menopause. A grandfather in Brazil for example, up to age 90 years could still menghasilan 50 children from four wives are still related. The only hobby is his grandfather having sex.Luiz Costa de Oliveira, a retired farm workers in Brazil have 50 children and pleaded not able to remember his name one by one because of too many. Dozens of children's acquisition of four wives, a unique back 3 of them are still related to each other.His first wife was Francisca, who had given him 17 children before she died. Since then Luiz...

More Fake iPhone Similar Original Products

IPhone fake products are now scattered on the black market and internet. Recently, Chinese police have arrested five people suspected of making and selling fake iPhones.This gang is alleged to have bought the iPhone's mobile component of Guangdong, the southern city of China, and then assembles them in an apartment in Shanghai. In raids, the Chinese police found 200 fake iPhone.Interestingly, this fake iPhone uses some components that are similar to Apple's. Functions in this bogus iPhone was the same as the original. Only, the shorter the battery usage."It's very difficult for consumers to differentiate between fake and genuine," said one...

Jack Ma Wants to Buy Yahoo

Jack Ma, chief executive of Chinese e-commerce company Alibaba Group, said on Friday that he wants to buy Yahoo, marking the first public overture for the struggling Web portal.“We are very interested,� Mr. Ma said when asked about whether his company wanted to make such an acquisition.The comment from on stage the China 2.0 conference at Stanford University confirmed what had already been reported (SEE LINK BELOW): That Alibaba was among Yahoo’s suitors. Silver Lake Partners, Providence Partners, Andreessen Horowitz and Microsoft have also reached out to Yahoo’s board.Yahoo’s board is reviewing its strategic options aftertechnology/carol-bartz-yahoos-chief-executive-is-fired.html"> firing Carol A. Bartz, the company’s chief executive, who failed to turn around the company...

Saturday, October 01, 2011

Fatal injuries result Masturbation

Masturbation is generally more often done by men. But you should be careful in doing so, because there are some fatal injuries caused by masturbation.The new study, published in the Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine found that adolescent males masturbate more frequently than girls.Although this activity does not pose a hazard, but it remains cautious in doing so because there are some cases of injury or fatal accidents that occur in men due to masturbation, as quoted from, Saturday (09/24/2011), namely:1. The man who put the goods into the bladderA 40-year-old man put a tube into his bladder to masturbate. But...

The Oracle-H.P. Rivalry, Powerpoint Version

Did information technology just run afoul of disinformation technology?Computing giants Oracle and Hewlett-Packard, known trash talking each other and for fighting in court, took their sniping to the Internet on Wednesday when Oracle charged that British software company Autonomy, which H.P. is buying for $10.2 billion, tried to sell itself to Oracle last April. Oracle said it was not interested, since the $6 billion market value Autonomy had at the time was still far more than Autonomy was worth.The implication was that H.P. came in second, and is foolish, in buying Autonomy.Oracle even posted a series of slides on its Web site that it said showed Autonomy chief executive Mike Lynch's intention to sell his company. The slides, Oracle said, were “all about Autonomy's financial results,...

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