Saturday, August 03, 2013

Unsur Oksigen Ditemukan pada 1774

Oksigen atau zat asam adalah unsur kimia dalam sistem tabel periodik yang mempunyai lambang O dan nomor atom 8. Ia merupakan unsur golongan kalkogen dan dapat dengan mudah bereaksi dengan hampir semua unsur lainnya (utamanya menjadi oksida). Pada Temperatur dan tekanan standar, dua atom unsur ini berikatan menjadi dioksigen, yaitu senyawa gas diatomik dengan rumus O2 yang tidak berwarna, tidak berasa, dan tidak berbau. Oksigen merupakan unsur paling melimpah ketiga di alam semesta berdasarkan massa dan unsur paling melimpah di kerak Bumi. Adalah Joseph Priestley (13 Maret 1733 - 6 Februari 1804) seorang filosofi dan ahli kimia berkebangsaan...

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Lumba-Lumba memanggil sesama temannya dengan nama

Ilmuwan menemukan bukti bahwa lumba-lumba memanggil sesama temannya dengan nama. Penemuan mengungkap mamalia laut tersebut menggunakan siulan unik untuk mengidentifikasi satu sama lain. Tim dari Universitas St Andrews di Skotlandia menemukan ketika hewan tersebut mendengar panggilan mereka diulangi, mereka meresponnya. Studi tersebut dipublikasikan dalam jurnal Pengetahuan Akademi Nasional. "Lumba-lumba hidup di lingkungan tiga dimensi, mereka di lepas pantai dan butuh tetap bersama-sama sebagai kelompok," ujar peneliti Vincent Janik dikutip BBC. Ilmuwan sudah lama menduga lumba-lumba menggunakan peluit khas dalam banyak cara yang sama...

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Let's roads to Mount Fuji With Google Street View

Not the first time Google invites Internet users 'streets' explore interesting places in the world. Google is now re-invites Internet users to conquer Mount Fuji through the touch of a fingertip. related articles Google `application` Play Games Official Released Google `application` Play Games Official Released Game Asphalt Racing `8` More Optimal on Nexus 7 Tablet New Game Asphalt Racing `8` More Optimal on Nexus 7 Tablet New Search one of the famous icons in Japan and included in the world heritage site which has been confirmed by UNESCO in June. Until now, Mount Fuji is one of the active volcanoes crowded in the summer (around July to September). To perpetuate the hiking trail along the 3,776 meters, the team uses Google Street View Trekker. Like the search results at other locations,...

Monday, July 22, 2013

Staring at the Future of Cloud Computing

These days, nearly everyone knows that the cloud is one of the major trends that drive komputansi for this decade. According to Forrester research institute, the global cloud market is expected to grow from U.S. $ 40.7 billion in 2011 to more than U.S. $ 241 billion in 2020, meaning an increase of over 600%. Cloud was already accepted in everyday conversation - we no longer suppose it's a matter of what cloud and what are the benefits, now being discussed are practical things about how to achieve the vision of the ideal cloud. One of the concepts in the past year a lot of attention is the hybrid cloud. A service that combines private and public cloud, hybrid cloud is the next step when we talk about the cloud. A hybrid cloud is designed to allow the company leverages the scalability and...

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Indonesian scientists Brain Scanner Showcase World's First 4D

  Indonesian scientists, Warsito P Taruno, scanners exhibiting brain activity in the world's first creations. He presented his creation at the International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging IEEE held in San Francisco, United States, 7 to 13 April 2013. Warsito brain oemindai creation tool called 4D Brain Electrical Activity-based Scanner Capacitance Volume Tomography (ECVT). The tool has been patented in the world WIPO patent agency / PTO in 2006. IEEE itself is a professional scientific organization consisting of 425,000 people. "ECVT used to measure electrical signals generated from human brain activity and reconstruct a volumetric...

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Research: Antarctic Ice Melt Faster

CANBERRA - Melting ice in the summer in Antarctica has reached its highest in a thousand years, say researchers from Australia and the UK on Monday (15/4). That new evidence on the impact of global warming on the Antarctic ice sheet is sensitive. Researchers from the Australian National University and Antarctic Research-UK, dambil data obtained from ice cores show the summer melting occurs 10 times more powerful in the last 50 years, compared to 600 years ago. "This is strong evidence that climate change has made changes in Antarctica," said lead researcher Nerilie Abram. Abram and his team drilled deep as 364 meters to reach the ice core in the James Ross Island, at the northern tip of the peninsula Antartka to measure the temperature history and compare it with the rate of ice melt...

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Found the oldest Port in the World

Archaeologists found the oldest port in the world. The ports are found on the shores of the Red Sea, which is believed 4,500 years old and was active at the time of Pharaoh Khufu (Cheops). Archaeologists believe that the ports are found are found to be the most important at the time of Ancient Egypt. Port is used to assist the transport of copper and other minerals to the Sinai Peninsula. Reported the Daily Mail, Tuesday (16/04/2013), the port is found built in the region named Wadi al-Jarf, 180 miles south of the Suez Canal. This port allegedly 1,000 years older than any port structures in the world. Together with the discovery...

Monday, April 22, 2013

Three Scientists Discover Planet Like Earth

WASHINGTON - Scientists announced the discovery of three planets that could be candidates for human habitation outside the solar system. Unfortunately, the location of the three planets are very far away from the earth. NASA's Kepler satellite oversees more than 150 thousand stars to identify Earth-like planets. The satellite was discovered three planets. Two planets, Kepler-Kepler-62E and 62F which is the farthest planet to become a candidate for human habitation. Both shaded host of earth-like sun, Kepler62. The third is potentially habitable planet called Kepler-69C. The planets are the smallest planet ever found in the residential...

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Female Internet users is increasing

Observers as well as Associate Professor Department of Communication, Ateneo de Manila University Philippines Borsoto Cheryl said that internet users from women is increasing, especially in developed countries. "By gender, female Internet users in the world started to rise indicated," said Cheryl Barsoto in Manila on Friday (19/4). He quotes the Wall Street Journal reports that 38 percent of computer and internet users in major cities in Latin America are women. Although to date in Africa, as much as 86 percent, 83 percent, and 64 percent of computer and internet users in Ethiopia, Senegal, and Zambia are male. "It is because men in Africa have been more had the opportunity to access information and education than women," she said. Something similar happened in Arab where only four...

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