Friday, August 19, 2011

Google Add Features Weather Maps

The function of Google Maps is now more and more. Google adds new features to the service layer in the form of weather mapping was hers. With this feature, users can find the latest weather conditions for a region.

Reported by Digital Trends, Friday (19/08/2011), this feature can be activated via the drop-down menu at the top right of the screen Maps, which also include other layers such as traffic and transit. Weather this layer only appears when users zoom out in the targeted region.

The information appears as a pop up window will show the weather conditions across the region on the map. Additionally, the menu will appear that lets users switch among several options to look at the temperature and wind speed.

This feature is very useful because it integrates weather updates so that users do not have to bother typing the city name in the search box weather conditions. For those who travel frequently, this feature is very easy because they live to see the pop-up weather information that appears in all places impassable.

If you click a specific icon, will display weather forecasts for the next four days. Weather forecast data is supported by the site Pop-up information is also offers a link to see the hourly weather forecasts to ten days ahead.

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