Saturday, December 31, 2011

Google Chrome Ads Raise Humanitarian Side

Google Chrome TV ad first appeared on national television as a campaign before it officially entered its first investment in Indonesia. Ads that are part of the campaign "Make the Internet Covering an area of ​​creations" It picked up the story about an Internet user (netter) that utilizes the Internet to conduct social activities. Although only lasted one minute, the ad was to convey the message and make emotion a number of people who see it. Campaign "Make the Internet Covering an area of ​​creations" are depicted in the ad shows how a netter named Randa Valencia (@ justsilly), who cares about the activities of blood donors, utilizing internet technology for social activities. Valencia utilize the Chrome browser to search for information about blood donation, make the network by utilizing...

Friday, December 30, 2011

900 Million Tablet Computer to Flood World

The world is facing an era of tablet computers. According to various researches, touch screen based mobile devices will continue to grow sales rapidly. "The number of tablet computer sales estimated to reach 900 million by 2016," said Pieter Lydian, Country Manager of Dell in Menara BCA Indonesia, Thursday (22/12/2011). Estimated sales of nearly 1 billion units are based on analysis from research firm Gartner. One of the trigger factor is the increasing number of technology-literate younger generation. Separate research by IDC says that in 2012, tablet computers with smartphones will prevail. The combination of both sales will exceed shipments...

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Chinese hackers accused of breaking the Computer System of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce

Chinese hackers accused of involvement in the defense system's computer break-ins Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the United States that occurred years ago. Some important data of its members were allegedly managed to spy.The accusation was made of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) who found that, one of the servers in China have a number of allegedly stolen confidential data from the agency.But it was denied by the Chinese government. "Nothing can be said about the accusations were unfounded," said a spokesman for the Chinese Foreign Ministry, Liu Weimin.As reported by the WSJ  Friday (12.23.2011), though it occurred during the year but the action was just terendus recently, and not known what data is successfully taken away by the perpetrator.Currently the Chamber of Commerce...

Monday, December 26, 2011

Free 3 Application Screen Reader for the Blind

Screen reader applications (screen reader) is the software used to operate the computer with visual impairment. Unfortunately, the average price is exorbitant commercial screen readers, so many blind people who can only feel the demo version only. Well, this time the author wants to share information about some free screen readers that blind people can be utilized without the need to pay a dime!If I may say, a screen reader is the "eye" for the blind in operating computers. With these applications, the blind can get information about the text shown on the monitor screen. Text is converted into sound using a speech synthesizer technology, so the results can be heard by blind people.Thus, it can be ascertained if the access to information for blind people became more open. Thanks to the help...

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Waiting for the use and adoption of cloud technology in 2012

Various vendors in 2011 somewhat vigorous in promoting the true capabilities of cloud computing technologies (cloud computing). But whether it can actually follow the industrialized world? It seems still difficult to predict.However, the same belief at the time appeared to welcome the year 2012. Where technology is believed to be clouds have an important role in controlling technology trends.According to Steve Herrod, Chief Technology Officer (CTO) and Senior Vice President of Reasearch & Development VMware, in 2012 the use and adoption of cloud technology will increase.This is based from a Forrester research conducted in October 2011...

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

7 Human Diseases Transmitted from Animals

Humans often use animals to meet their own needs. Although different species, does not mean that diidap animal disease can not be transmitted to humans. This phenomenon is called a zoonosis.Cleanliness is the key to avoiding infectious diseases of animals. Not all diseases can be transmitted, but some kabanyakan transmitted diseases harmful to humans.Seven animal diseases that can be transmitted to humans as reported by, Thursday (11/17/2011), among others: 1. ToxoplasmaTouching cat feces is a gap where toxoplasmosis attack humans. Wash your hands after touching the cat litter. Pregnant women should be very careful because toxoplasma...

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

8 Self-Care to Treat Hemorrhoids

Symptoms of hemorrhoids often interfere even be very painful. However, there are actually businesses that can be done to reduce and relieve the symptoms of hemorrhoids. The efforts of self-care that can relieve the symptoms of hemorrhoids as quoted MSNHealth, Tuesday (11/15/2011), among others: 1. Use water therapy Water can be very soothing for hemorrhoids that are inflamed, pain, and itching. Cold compresses or soak the anal area in warm water for about 10 minutes several times a day can also be very helpful. Many people find that rubbing gently with a damp towel, rather than with toilet paper, can be more convenient. 2. Trying to counter...

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Six simple habits they are helpless remember that you can apply stronger everyday to enhance the ability of the brain.

Six simple habits they are helpless remember that you can apply stronger everyday to enhance the ability of the brain. 1. Watching television is nothing more than an hour each day. People remember strong power rarely seen spectacle-a spectacle that does not really matter, unless the spectacle of nature educate. They are more often read than watch. 2. consuming fish Fish is a source of protein that serves regenerate dead cells. Brain cells must continue to be regenerated. Some types of fish such as salmon and sardines contain omega 3 which is very good for the development of brain cells and the ability to remember someone 3. Crossing...

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Bad memories can be lost only by Sleep and Dreaming

When experiencing something unpleasant, someone usually so difficult to sleep for fear of nightmares. But according to the study, sleep and let the brain the imagination in dreams just potent eliminate those bad memories.Research conducted at the University of California at Berkeley shows, while dreaming of the brain will activate certain nerves to relieve the tension of mind. Whatever type of dream, a reaction that occurs in general are equally soothing.Reactions that trigger changes in the nervous system activity in the brain that occurs in the phase of rapid eye movement (REM), when the dream began to take shape. Once awake, the person...

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

When pain relief Deteriorating Child in the Night

The disease has never come at the right time. Often the children wake up at night due to symptoms of certain diseases, whereas the doctor's office was closed and the mother does not know whether to wake the doctor or try to cope alone.Some symptoms can be a sign of serious harm, such as high fever, difficulty breathing, strange rashes or convulsions. Almost all the symptoms in infants under 4 months requiring treatment by a doctor immediately, no matter at any time.As quoted from, Sunday (27/11/2011), many symptoms of illness in children is worse at night. Although not life-threatening, these symptoms can make children miserable.With...

Friday, December 09, 2011

Brain Just Need Time 0.2 Seconds Identifying Nude Pictures

The brain processes information faster than the naked body of the dress pictures. The brain only takes 0.2 seconds to process images naked body. The more skimpy clothes worn in the photographs, the faster information processing. Most people really like to see pictures of the human body naked or scantily clad. Seeing naked bodies will arouse sexual desire. The naked human body is also a common subject in classical art. In fact, the ads currently using models dressed half-naked to give a positive image for the product being advertised. Research conducted Hietanen Jari K from the University of Tampere and Lauri Nummenmaa of Aalto University...

Thursday, December 08, 2011

Motorola Droid 4 Released Soon

Photos and specifications of the Droid 4 began to bloom in a variety of tech blogs. Motorola's latest smartphone that can run on a 4G network is reportedly soon to be released early next month.Motorola seems to be very ready to present the successor to its line of smartphones Droid. Droid Life reports citing internal sources say Motorola Droid 4 will be launched soon, which is December 8, 2011.Digital Trends reported on Monday (28.11.2011), Droid 4 will be first marketed in the United States (U.S.) with a packet of data from Verizon Wireless.Specifications are not much different from previous Droid series. 4th Droid has a slide-out keyboard,...

Wednesday, December 07, 2011

Destroy Google Navigation Bar

Google has just completed a redesign of the navigation bar. This maximizes the redesign overhaul that also did some time ago on Google Search, Maps, News, Reader and Gmail. "We have now entered the final stage of the redesign bars Google's new. This will allow you to navigate quickly between our services and share content easily on Google +," said Eddie Kessler, Technical Lead Google as quoted from the official Google blog Wednesday (11/30/2011). Yes, in essence, a new navigation bar that connects to all Google products making it easier for users to explore everything. For example, moving the mouse pointer on the Google logo will bring up...

Tuesday, December 06, 2011

Micro Four Thirds System aggressively Camera Market

First time introduced to the public, Micro Four Thirds system was successfully captured the attention of the camera vendors and consumers. According to Jerry Aurum, a professional photographer who also had a jury Caraka Creative Festival, this system is a system that takes the cake portion of the fastest compared to other systems.Micro Four Thirds System presents a smaller camera body because it eliminates the mirror in it. The lenses can be exchanged with lenses from other vendors that use a similar system.Besides smaller in terms of body, a camera that uses this system also promises quality images with great resolution. Yes, a camera that...

Monday, December 05, 2011

Windows 8 Ready Performance Dentistry

United States - Microsoft's latest operating system, Windows 8, soon will try to hit the IT universe. Month of February 2012 mentioned will be the premiere Windows 8 beta.Yes, some chatter in the world IT community now highlight the OS is the successor of Windows 7. "What are the innovations that Microsoft is doing? How it looks," called a few questions back and forth.2012 International Consumer Electronic Show in January in Las Vegas, United States also will be a momentum for Microsoft to further heat the issues surrounding Windows 8.Quoted from Tom's Hardware, on Monday (5/12/2011), Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer said will go directly to the...

Thursday, December 01, 2011

Police Robot Replace Task Prison Warden

Pohang, South Korea - Robot with sensors that can detect suspicious behavior will be present at the detention center in South Korea (ROK). Duties, patrolling supervise the prisoners who tried to escape.Designed to replace duty prison guard, which was developed robots group of scientists in South Korea are part of the project the Ministry of Knowledge Economy and the Ministry of Justice of the South to swallow up funds of up to one billion won.Reported by the Telegraph, Friday (11/25/2011), 1.5-meter-high robot and walk on four wheels will be more frequently used at night. These robots can connect inmates with prison officials over the function...

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Another Service Interruption for BlackBerrys

A month after BlackBerry service crashed worldwide, stranding some customers for up to three days, the company said on Wednesday that some users were again experiencing service delays.And earlier in the day, Google said it would stop offering a Gmail application for BlackBerrys on Nov. 22. While the app will continue to function after that date, Google also plans to abandon support for it.Tenille Kennedy, a spokeswoman for RIM, said the users whose service was affected on Wednesday were in Europe, the Middle East, India and Africa. Thats the same part of the world where the failure of a major networking component led to last months shutdown....

Monday, November 28, 2011

Nokia’s Comeback Strategy in Smartphones

The challenge Nokia faces in the smartphone market was grimly detailed last week. In the third quarter, according to IDC, Nokia’s worldwide smartphone sales fell 37 percent to 16.8 million phones from 26.5 million a year ago.Nokia’s retreat comes in a booming market. Smartphone shipments grew 43 percent in the third quarter.Stephen Elop, Nokia’s chief executive, is not despairing, and he has a turnaround strategy. The game plan is coherent and ambitious, but its success is not assured.The opening for Nokia, Mr. Elop explained, depends on Nokia’s ability to exploit the rapidly shifting market in smartphones, to profit from its new alliance...

Sunday, November 27, 2011

OneID Aims to Unite Devices to Fight Hackers

Assume your computer, your cellphone and your iPad are all insecure, subject to hackers. All three of them working together to protect your information — would that be better?It would, according to OneID, a start-up company in San Jose, Calif., that is trying to promote a new kind of single sign-on security for the Web.Single sign-on is a kind of holy grail on the Internet, a way of avoiding having to remember separate passwords for every Web site and service a person uses. Like the original grail, lots of people have believed in it and no one has found it. In this case, Microsoft, IBM, Sun Microsystems and long-forgotten companies like...

Friday, November 25, 2011

What’s Really Next for Apple in Television

Ive finally cracked it! Steven P. Jobs, co-founder of Apple, told his biographer, Walter Isaacson.Although Mr. Jobs was referring to Apples plans to build a full-fledged television, he was not actually referring to the TV set, which is how the comment has been widely interpreted. Instead, it is becoming clear that Mr. Jobs was talking about Siri, Apples new artificial intelligent software on the iPhone 4S.Apple engineers and designers, spurred by Mr. Jobs, have been struggling for years to find a new interface for the television. One of the biggest hurdles, according to people with knowledge of the project, has been replacing the television...

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Technology, Schools and a Big Black Bug

I was on a hike in August when one of my hiking companions bent down to the dusty path to examine a thumb-size black beetle. My fellow hiker, Harry Barker-Fost, stared at the chunky insect as it crawled onto his hand and then over and around his forearm for the better part of three minutes.Could his comfort with nature and his intense focus and curiosity have something to do with the fact that Harry, age 12, rarely uses technology? Thats what Harrys parents think.Harry attends the Greenwood School in Mill Valley, which doesnt use computers of any kind in class and discourages their use at home. The idea is inspired by Waldorf teaching principals, as outlined technologyin an article we published today.Harrys father, Dan, wrote a terrific article about Waldorfs relationship with technology,...

Monday, November 21, 2011

Phishing attack drill Apple Fans

Security vendors Trend Micro identifies phishing activity (theft of sensitive data) that target the users of Apple products and services. Still the traditional mode used, ie, via email. Fake emails purporting to come from Apple's admit it in writing to inform the update of data that must be performed by users. "Trend Micro's security research team, after investigating the email, phishing has proved the existence of action on behalf of Apple," said Trend Micro, in his statement on Friday (11/11/2011). After the message is opened, Trend Micro, and then compare it with similar email from Apple that the original shipment. And two emails almost identical at first glance, it turns out one of them is trapped by inputting a link that asks you to enter personal data via the Apple site ID made...

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Teenagers Tell Researchers It’s a Cruel, Cruel Online World

State legislatures across the country have passed or proposed laws against what they call cyberbullying. But how do young people parse bullying from being mean online? And when it happens, what do they do about it?A survey conducted by the Pew Research Center and released Wednesday teases out these complex, often painful threads of teen life on social networks like Facebook and Twitter. Two-thirds of the teenagers surveyed said people were “mostly kind to each other on these networks, even as 88 percent said they had witnessed “people being mean or cruel. One in five admitted to having joined in on the cruelty.Notably, one in five teens...

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Head of Google’s Public Policy Operations Resigns

As Google faces stepped-up interrogations from regulators and policy makers, Alan Davidson, who runs its public policy operations for North and South America, announced  Monday that he would leave the company this month.Mr. Davidson’s departure comes as Google faces a wide ranging antitrust investigation by the Federal Trade Commission and days after Google’s chairman, Eric E. Schmidt, submitted answers to questions posed by senators on the antitrust subcommittee, before which technology Mr. Schmidt testified in September.Mistique Cano, a Google spokeswoman, said Google had not named a successor and had no imminent plans to do so. She...

Friday, November 18, 2011

In a Quest for Focus, Google Purges Small Projects

.Since he has taken the helm at Google, Larry Page has aggressively pushed to make new acquisitions and jettison projects that he does not think are working. One day, the Google engineers developing a new photo-sharing app, Photovine, were dreaming that their app could be Google’s next household name and basking in the glow of the $200 million that Google had paid to buy their start-up, Slide. The next day, Google announced that their whole operation was shut down, just one of more than 25 projects that Larry Page, Google’s chief executive, has stopped since taking over in April. Google has said it has cut projects that weren’t popular...

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Apple Doles Out Stock to Keep Top Executives

One of the biggest questions about Apple’s future has been whether its top executives would head for the exits after the death of the company’s chief executive and cofounder Steve Jobs. Apple just gave them a big incentive to stay put.In a series of filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission on Friday evening, Apple disclosed a series of huge stock grants to nearly all of the company’s senior executives. Peter Oppenheimer, Bruce Sewell, Philip Schiller, Jeffrey Williams, Scott Forstall and Robert Mansfield all received 150,000 restricted stock units from Apple — worth approximately $60 million each at Apple’s current stock price.Each of those executive need to stay at Apple for nearly five years to collect the full amount of the grants. Half of the shares in their stock grants vest...

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Tim Cook Is Thinking Different

For people who are curious about how Apple’s new chief executive, Tim Cook, will compare to the company’s previous C.E.O., Steve Jobs, there’s not a lot to go on yet. AppleTim Cook, chief executive of Apple.Mr. Cook took the helm of Apple from Mr. Jobs only in late August. Even then, Mr. Jobs was still chairman of Apple until his death last week at the age of 56. There was, however, one tantalizing clue about how the two men differ at an Apple event to introduce the new iPhone last Tuesday, the day before Mr. Jobs’s death was announced:Mr. Cook didnt demonstrate any new Apple products.Instead, he left all of the demonstrations of new...

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Snubbed by Apple, T-Mobile Looks Beyond the iPhone

T-Mobile must feel like the only kid in the class who didnt get invited to the party of the year. Its the only one of the nation’s four major wireless carriers that wont be selling the iPhone 4S, the new Apple device that officially goes on sale Friday and has already generated record numbers of pre-orders. The other big domestic carrier that was previously left out of the iPhone party, Sprint Nextel, finally struck a deal with Apple to carry the iPhone, joining AT&T and Verizon Wireless.The T-Mobile model won’t be pitching an iPhone.T-Mobile is performing a balancing act in responding to the snub. The carrier is clearly disappointed it doesnt have the iPhone. Its chief marketing officer, Cole Brodman, wrote a blog post addressed to its customers last month that said the iPhone is a...

Monday, November 14, 2011

The Big Business of Big Data

GE Appliances & Lighting, via Business WireA GE data center.Is Big Data a Bubble?In case youre in a hurry: Of course it is. And that is good.Longer version: Last week there were several events that convinced me that one of the great tech bubbles inflating right now is around what people have agreed to call Big Data. Basically the term reflects the fact that its now so easy to digitize and put on the Internet all kinds of information — things as diverse as the measurements of passive sensors,  most or all the worlds books, 200 million tweets a day and most of the worlds significant financial transactions — that the data is growing enormously.Big Data is really about, however, the benefits we will gain by cleverly sifting through it to find and exploit new patterns and relationships....

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