Tuesday, January 31, 2012

10 Types of Food Efficacious for Men

Body fit and healthy is everyone's dream. To make it happen, it takes a strong commitment, healthy lifestyles and quality of nutrition derived from the food you consume. Special for the men, it helps to know the kinds of nutritious foods and nutritious for your body. Below, there are several common types of food you consume, but some may have never known before. But there's nothing wrong, you try to eat them for health: 1. Bit Bulbs that this one has a very sweet taste than other vegetables. The dark red fruit contains a lot of sugar in layers of rough skin. Why bit healthy? Like spinach, beets rich in folate and betaine. Two types of...

Activity at Twitter and Facebook Will Watched

Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) issued a release stating the FBI plans to control social media, including Facebook and Twitter. This was conveyed by the FBI in a white paper dated January 19, 2012 and awaits an answer from tech companies until February 10, 2012. The FBI asks technology companies engaged in the social networking platform to build a monitoring system that can be used the FBI to monitor Internet traffic. The FBI will use information from social media to respond to crises that might occur. The FBI will conduct surveillance around the key word terrorism, surveillance operations, online crime, and anything else related...

Monday, January 30, 2012

Google and Facebook are driven Reject Government of India

As given earlier, the government of India has asked Google, Microsoft, Yahoo, and Facebook to remove content disparaging and slandering politicians. Not only four companies alone, there were a total of 21 companies the internet and social networking are suppressed by the government of India. The legal process for 21 companies are still ongoing. Google and Facebook have stated to the High Court of Delhi that they can not block content deemed offensive to the site that the Government of India. The search engine company Google and Facebook asks high court to return the verdict in a lower court. Whereas before, Google and Facebook has requested an appeal to a higher court level, the Delhi High Court. According to Justice Suresh Kait, the lower courts will continue to schedule the hearing...

Downloading the Android Market Translucent 11 Billion

Google recorded a hit as many as 11 billion in the Android Market until the fourth quarter of 2011. Whereas early December Google announced the achievement of the download as much as 10 billion. This means that during December 2011, the downloading of the Google reached the 1 billion. The rapid download on Android Market reasonably suspected to be triggered by increased activation of devices with the Android OS. Currently estimated there are about 700 thousand Android devices activated every day. Even at Christmas last year, in two days, there were 3.7 million Android OS devices were activated. Applications are available in the Android Market was all for free. Partially paid. Interestingly, many applications of interest paid Android device users. Popular paid applications on Android...

Sunday, January 29, 2012

15 This Site Will kinship with Megaupload?

United States Department of Justice is reportedly exploring the possibility of other sharing sites such violations committed Megaupload. It might, the other sharing sites that would meet the same fate. Anticipating this, several alternative sites have shut down their file sharing services. This includes FileServe and FileSonic. In addition, with the same reason, sites like Uploaded.to block all internet protocol addresses (IP) based in the United States. Indeed, as quoted by VentureBeat, is still difficult to estimate site-sharing sites which will be closed. "The Case Megaupload can be a bad precedent for the business-sharing site,"...

There Is No Negative Impact Report of Solar Storms

Following the occurrence of natural phenomena Solar Storm that occurred on Monday (23 / 1), has not reported any disruption or significant impact on the activity of the earth. Peak solar storm that occurred at 10:59 o'clock in Indonesia this time its impact was observed on Tuesday (24 / 1) at 21.00 pm. However, based on the monitoring of astronomers, both internationally and by the National Aeronautics and Space Institute (LAPAN), no serious impact. As of Thursday (26 / 1) has not been any report regarding a significant impact related to this phenomenon. "In general storms can be classified high-strength," said analyst Astronomy LAPAN, Thomas Djamaludin Republika confirmed. Previously, Solar Storms is touted quite strong enough. Explosion flare M8-9 scale was the strongest since May...

Saturday, January 28, 2012

challenge Google Docs, Microsoft SkyDrive Rely and MS Office

Microsoft openly challenge Google in the business of cloud computing services or cloud computing. Through a two-minute video, Microsoft is trying to influence the Google Docs users to switch to using Microsoft's SkyDrive and Microsoft Office. This video illustrates the general argument of Microsoft, about how the SkyDrive combined with the Office can provide a solution to avoid frustration when using Google Docs. Microsoft is also packed with interesting argument. This video tells the three students, Alissa, Jamal, and Max, who gets the task of astronomy papers. To save time and improve efficiency, they chose to do the work together online,...

Make Artificial Intel Mobile Processor ARM Restless

Intel jumpsuit in the business of supplying chips for smartphones and tablets to make ARM as old players in the business concerned. Previously, Intel's more famous by the processor in the device desktop or laptop computer. ARM is a company specialized chip maker for mobile devices. Made products they've used a lot by phone and tablet vendors. Before Intel arguably present strolled freely ARM chips dominate the market for mobile devices. The presence of chips made by Intel for mobile devices was commented upon by ARM Holdings CEO Warren East in an interview with Reuteurs at CES 2012 last week. According to the number one ARM, the mobile...

Friday, January 27, 2012

Facebook and Twitter Jealous Google Plus pampered

Google steps in pampering + Google search engine Google to make Facebook, Twitter, and MySpace, unite to create a "weapon" to went. The tool is named "Do not be evil". This name was adopted from the motto of Google itself. Indeed, "Do not be evil" is an add-on (assistive devices) to display search results more objectively related to social networking sites that exist in the world. Beginning in January 2012, Google has a search system update, dubbed "Search, plus Your World" (SPYW), Inside are features of the Personal Results, which can show a more personalized search results for its users. If you do a search with Google, then on the right side of the page will pop up several relevant links from Google +. However, Google does not display links from other social networks. Google's action...

Kode-Kode Untuk Chating FB, Keren deh Pokoknya!

Cara ini saya dapatkan dari teman Facebook dan dengan persetujuan darinya saya share disini Cara menggunakannya  Copy kode  yang ada, kemudian Paste ke Ruang Chat Fb [[228960383845117]] [[228960517178437]] [[228960600511762]][[228960413845114]] [[228960600511762]] [[228960517178437]] [[228960383845117]] [[228960540511768]][[228960437178445]] [[228960487178440]] [[228960583845097]] [[228960480511774]] [[228960563845099]] 1. [[289233677790219]] [[348654161814774]] [[222705881138252]] [[292141994165379]] [[133154316800330]] [[346337608726421]][[100381450083206]] [[313838608648951]] [[166103506823935]] [[314007935297068]] [[139489826163004]] [[269859583071892]][[219146461499411]] [[160313270740550]] [[205765899512340]] [[113268378788379]] [[187383804691038]] [[160834734023850]] 2. [[159403400834378]]...

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Anticipation of Disaster, The World Bank Data Complete Google Map

Google took the World Bank in making the global map to help oversee public services better and increase efforts to respond to disasters that occur in all parts of the world. "Our new collaboration with Google Map Maker` `represents an unprecedented opportunity to utilize one of the most complicated mapping technology," said Sanjay Pradhan, Vice President of the World Bank Institute (01/19/2012). According to Sanjay Pradhan, global mapping program's ability to gather information from the public, such as data on schools and hospitals will create both transparency and accountability. The cooperation of the World Bank and Google will enhance...

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Earth Got Really Two Months?

Arizona: Earth turned out to have more than one satellite. If all this is the only known satellite of Earth was the Moon, researchers from Cornell University said if there is one more satellite is 2006 RH120. This satellite first appeared in 2006 in Catalina Sky Survey, Arizona, United States. At that time, the object is considered to be the asteroid is moving around the Earth. 2006 RH120 initially looks like a man-made rockets that have made titanium white paint like the U.S. space agency (NASA). But in the research, it turns the body's own 2006 RH120 has a length of only a few meters. 2006 RH120 later is still considered a natural satellite...

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Microsoft Exchange will be Removed?

Microsoft Points is a currency unit that can be used to transact in the Market Place, Zune, and Xbox Live. However, this currency will reportedly soon be removed and replaced with the actual cash value. For several years Microsoft Point has become the standard currency for various purposes in the virtual store Microsoft. Gamers can use it to buy games, rent movies, to buy applications for mobile phones based on Windows Phone. But because it is inconvenient, the currency is also planned to be replaced with actual cash value. As quoted from the Inside Mobile Apps, Wednesday (01/25/2012). Later Microsft will apply the value of the real currency...

Know Closer N-219 Aircraft

Jakarta: PT Dirgantara Indonesia will certainly produce a new aircraft type N-219. This aircraft has been test-flown in a laboratory wind tunnel test in March 2010. And his plan, type of aircraft developed from the results produced NC-212 PT DI will be handed over to the first buyer to be flown around the year 2014 to 2015 to come. Before the N-219 flown, there's nothing wrong if we look at the specifications of the aircraft manufacturing cost around Rp300 billion. According to the Wikipedia page, the N-219 is a multi-purpose twin-engine aircraft designed PT. Aerospace Indonesia to operate in remote areas. This is due to considering the...

Monday, January 23, 2012

Protest Still, Hacker Threatens Collapse Facebook and Twitter

Anonymous hackers, who carried out attacks against the FBI because of closing the site Megaupload, threatened to attack some other website this week. The threat will become reality if the Megaupload is not reopened. Some websites are targeted by the attack Anonymous is the site of the United Nations (UN), XBox Live, and some banks in the United States. Not only that, Anonymous also threatened to shut down Facebook, Twitter, and Youtube. The threat was conveyed in a message Anonymous group on Youtube two days ago. Anonymous calls this action as # OpGlobalBlackout (global operations blackout). This action is a continuation of the action # OpMegaupload, undertaken to fight for Megaupload. In the video, Anonymous said it had had access to credit card accounts at U.S. banks. They also claimed...

GMail Accessible Without Internet Connection

Gmail email service from Google, available in the offline version. This allows Gmail users to access email without internet access. It's easy, open the Chrome Web Store  https://chrome.google.com/webstore/category/home with Google Chrome browser. Select the application called Offline Google Mail (Beta). If the trouble, could use a search engine that is in the top left and type in the keyword Offline Google Mail. After emerging, click "add to chrome" then pop up the installation of the application will appear. Click "install" and the application will be installed Offline Gmail in your browser. If you want to try his abilities, disconnect all Internet access, and open a new tab in Chrome browser. Click the Offline Google Mail application icon. Well, if successful, will open your...

Saturday, January 21, 2012

When a hormone that appears Exercise Can Create Weapon Against Diabetes

Sports not only make a sweaty, fit and maintain a fresh appearance. During exercise, the body also releases a hormone called alpha PGC1, which has efficacy as a weapon against obesity and diabetes.The study was conducted by researchers at the Dana Farber Cancer Institute and Harvard Medical School. The results of these studies provide new insights on the effect of exercise on the body's cellular level.The results of these studies have been published in the January 11, 2012 issue of Nature.Scientists have examined a substance called alpha PGC1, which is produced in large amounts in the muscles during and after exercise. The cells that affect biological processes elsewhere in the body. The cells were predicted to be able to communicate with the fat body biochemistry."It seems clear that PGC1a...

Friday, January 20, 2012

Google Doodle Today to Mr. World Geology

Doodle, decorative design the Google logo, today (11/01/2012) dedicated to the father of the geological world, Nicolas Steno. He was born today, January 11, 1638 and died on November 25, 1686. Doodle day is illustrated in a style where there are six stacks of geological layers with a variety of fossils and a layer of green in the topmost layer. Scientists from Denmark started studying medicine at the University of Leiden in the Netherlands at a young age (20 years). Then he went stdui anatomy in Italy, by generating a neighbor tooth shark research. He later discovered that the tooth shark has a certain resemblance to the objects of...

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Walk 15 Minutes Enough to Balance Chocolate Snacking

In the chocolate lover often can not work if you do not snack foods. So that does not make fat calories, walking 15 minutes every day is enough to neutralize the effect of half a serving of chocolate is consumed per day.A study at the University of Exeter reveals, walking can burn calories equivalent to 15-28 grams of chocolate. The burning of calories by that is enough to prevent the buildup of energy reserves, which are stored as fat."People often think that the snacks and chocolate can increase energy and overcome saturated at work, so it is difficult to not snacking," said Professor Adrian Taylor, who led the study, as quoted from Dailymail, Thursday (12/08/2011).In tersbeut research, Prof. Taylor make the observation of 78 chocolate lover who is always snacking food while at work. Partially...

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Challenge Ultrabook, Laptop AMD More Light

Las Vegas, USA - Ultrabook is very attractive because of having a slim body. Seemed to not want to fall behind, AMD also has a similar product that is claimed to be thinner.The product was named Ultrathin, which had been exhibited at the International Consumer Electronic Show (CES) 2012 in Las Vegas, United States.AMD Ultrathin buried inside the chip code-named Trinity with processors and graphics cards that have been integrated. Spesikasinya was not kidding.The processor used is the development of the Bulldozer architecture, while the GPU is a descendant of the Radeon HD 7970, but with lower power consumption.In Ultrathin chip platform Trinity claimed only consumes about 17 watts, while the notebook version is slightly higher with 35 watts.Quoted from ArsTechnica, Friday (01/13/2012), AMD...

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Android Watches, Can Email and Facebook CES 2012

Not only inform a matter of time, following watches are also capable of connecting users with email and website. This was possible thanks to the Android operating system it uses. Sony is a charming watchmaker follows.. Devices that use software from the giant Google is dubbed SmartWatch. Not only can connect with email, users can also connect with the music, websites and other online content. And do not worry about looks 'weird' with these devices, because with a sleek design, it actually makes the user look cool. On the mat technology grand CES, Sony said that Android watches it will already be available on the market in late March with...

Monday, January 16, 2012

Microsoft Investigate Threats Mass Suicide at Foxconn

Wuhan, China - Responding to reports of mass suicide committed workers Foxconn, Microsoft immediately conduct an investigation. IT giant's inappropriate to worry, considering the Foxconn factory making their Xbox component.Previously proclaimed, 300 Foxconn factory workers are located in Wuhan, China threatened to commit suicide. They do this crazy action in protest of salary disputes."In our understanding, the protests of the workers associated with the employment agreement's transfer policy, instead of working environmental conditions," said Microsoft spokesman as reported by Cnet, Thursday (12/01/2012).Since January 2, workers are asking for a raise. But Foxconn instead gave two options. That is transferred to an alternative production line with the compensation, or keep a job but without...

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Your World, Create a Google Search More Personal

Google will provide a more personalized search results by taking the content from Google +, including photos, news and comments were posted on social networking.Service called Google as Search, Plus Your World will feature more content for users who log in to your Google account, providing access to information that may never be stored or posted the user or a friend on Google +.If someone does a search with the keyword 'dog' for example, her dog photo or Google + friends will appear in the top row of the search results."At Google, we always want to deliver the most comprehensive and relevant answers from each of the questions you," said Google spokesman Amit Singhal."This is the first time we present personalized content directly to the search page," he added as quoted by the Washington...

Saturday, January 14, 2012

The reason Nikon D4 'Only' Use 16 Million Pixels

Nikon D4 is a full frame camera is the latest issued this Japanese factory. It's just that the question is, why is the sensor size, Nikon just membekalinya with 16 million pixels?Many people hope that, in this anyarnya Nikon devices will use a higher pixel count. Speaking at the arena CES 2012, Lars Petterson from Nikon Europe to explain this. There are two targets to be achieved with a sensor that Nikon disematkannya.The first, Nikon wanted to allow cropping with wider coverage. But Nikon also intends to produce images more kiclong and has a dynamic range (dynamic range) is greater.With existing technology, said second sensor 16 MP lets it happen. Nikon also want to avoid big file size is usually crowded user's hard drive. "16 million pixels is enough for most users and for some, he was...

Thursday, January 12, 2012

5 Section Women in the World of Technology

Jade Raymond (ist) Jagat technology may indeed be dominated by men. But not a few women also take part in it. Some have a beautiful face like a model. Like these women, which are summarized from various sources:1. Jade Raymond Paras Jade Raymond is pretty. He reportedly is a mulatto woman Australia, China, and Canada. Who would have thought 36-year-old Jade is a Managing Director in the gaming company Ubisoft fame. This Canadian woman became producer popular games like The Sims Online to Assassin's Creed.2. Marissa Mayer Marissa is not haphazard positions, he was Vice President of Location and Local Services...

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Plough CEO, Yahoo spent USD 27 Million

Washington, USA - Yahoo turns to spend enough to recruit Scott Thompson of PayPal as its new CEO. Reportedly, the cost to $ 27 million. As quoted from Cnet, on Sunday (08.01.2012), based on legal documents that reported Yahoo switching to local regulators, the new CEO will receive a salary of $ 1 million plus a cash bonus of $ 1.5 million, plus stock valued at USD 22, 5 million. Yahoo also have to replace the money spent Thompson as compensation to the company a long time, worth $ 1.5 million cash bonus compensation and stock with a value of USD 6.5 million. Over the past four years, Thompson served as President of PayPal, eBay's online payment service. He previously served as Chief Technology Officer of PayPal before being appointed as president in January 2008. Achievement Thompson...

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Facebook Messenger for Windows Official Released

Having already "leaked" on the Internet, Facebook finally released the official messenger for Windows product. Earlier when being tested, link this chat application installation file and eventually published many users are trying to install it.Facebook not worry there are those who take advantage of "leakage" of this by providing fake download link, the file containing the virus. Anticipating this, Facebook also publishes the official link to install the Facebook Messenger. Interestingly, it turns out the URL address to download the Facebook application is published, together with previously published URL address.Facebook Messenger has been...

Monday, January 09, 2012

Intel's Wake "Clover Trail" For Windows Tablet 8

Intel will use the chip type "Clover Trail" on the tablet device operating system Windows 8. Clover Trail prototype will be showcased at the Intel Consumer Electronics Show (CES) held in Las Vegas, 9 to 13 January 2012.According to a source who has close ties with Intel, as quoted from CNet, Clover Trail is a continuation of Medfield chip that uses a single core and will be marketed in March 2012. While Clover Trail, a computational process will be supported dual core processor, in order to attract the interest of vendors to use chips from Intel. The plan, Clover Trail will be marketed in mid-2012.Taiwan tech site, DigiTimes today reported...

Sunday, January 08, 2012

In order for the male sex organs Strong and Healthy

Having a strong and healthy penis is one of the most important thing for a man. Not only sexual function, strong and healthy penis is very important for the body and overall men's health. There are several ways for male genital organs strong and healthy.The penis has three main functions, which are used to dispose of urine because it is an extension of the urethra, and most importantly sexual function is a function of reproduction. These three functions will be able to work well can a man have a healthy and strong penis. On the other hand, a healthy penis and strong men also increase self-confidence.Here are some ways you can make your penis healthy and strong, as reported by menshealthinstitute.org, Monday (02/01/2012):1. Getting enough sleepGetting enough sleep is a natural way to make...

Saturday, January 07, 2012

Nintendo Wii Get up Shop N Special Applications

Nintendo did not want to repeat the mistakes done on 3DS. 3D-capable handheld console is the lack of games and applications that support it. Well, for U Wii, Nintendo reportedly will make a special application store. "U Wii owners can use applications that operate on the Wii U itself. The application is run independently on the Wii controller U," the Telegraph reported on Monday (01/02/2012). U Wii is scheduled for release in the second half of 2012 is the replacement for previous versions of Wii success. U Wii controller is a device like a tablet with a 6.2 inch screen. This increasingly led to speculation, Wii U is likely to run a variety of independent applications. Not known, whether Nintendo will impose its application store with a points system as used WiiWare and DSiWare today or...

Friday, January 06, 2012

China Soon Have a 3D TV Channels

China launched its first television channel 3-dimensional (3D) as a step test before the official launch.Channel operated by China Central Television (CCTV) and three local TV stations will be launched officially at the end of the Chinese New Year in January 2012.This facility can only be enjoyed by owners of 3D TV and that has the high definition (HD). A number of countries such as Japan, South Korea and India have launched similar channels.This TV channel will initially air for 4.5 hours each day and will be repeated two times, according to Xinhua news agency."The launch of the 3D channel experiment is an important step in China's television world," said Cai Fuchao, chief watchdog of Radio, Film and Television of China.This watchdog also said the new channel will bring in huge revenues...

Thursday, January 05, 2012

Glorious Mission, the Game Simulation Chinese Army Combat

Beijing - China plans to release a special simulation games to hone their shooting skills of their soldiers. In it, players will be fighting against U.S. troops.The game was called Glorious Mission, which was developed by Wuxi Giant Network Technology Inc. in collaboration with the Nanjing Military Command. This game is designed specifically for the members of the People Liberation Army (PLA).In addition to a specific community, this game also discourse will be released to the general public. It's just that it is still waiting for the certainty of the local government."We're just waiting for approval for release into the community," said Zhang, one of the developers of the game, as quoted from huffingtonpost, Tuesday (01/03/2012).If nothing gets in the way, Glorious Mission is scheduled...

Wednesday, January 04, 2012

Android Defeat iPhone in Europe

IPhone market share in the European region by the end of this year tend to be dropped. While its rival, the Android-based phones dominate the market even more.Based on research from Kantar Worldpanel Comtech conducted for 12 weeks until the end of November 2011 stated the iPhone market share in the United States was increased to 36 percent from 25 percent in last year. Likewise for market share in the UK are still rising from 21 percent to 31 percent at the end of this year.However, for countries in Europe such as France, even the iPhone's market share plummeted from 29 percent to 20 percent. The same is also experienced in German market declined from 27 percent to 20 percent. In Italy and Spain also happened the same thing.While sales of Android devices continues to skyrocket it makes its...

Tuesday, January 03, 2012

4 Trends in Virus Spread in 2011

Year 2011 has had its day and changed to 2012, many events that occurred during the year 2011 ranging from natural disasters such as floods, droughts and even earthquakes, then how about the spread of the virus in cyberspace?. The spread of the virus in 2011, has experienced many changes compared to previous years mainly from the current method of distribution has not only take advantage of removable media devices such as USB flash or external HDD. Android developments are so rapid in the year 2011 participated giving a new color in the spread of the virus, Macs are so far in the claim as the most powerful OS viruspun of attacks began on the list of target virus. This proves that no OS is immune from virus attacks, as more and more and more OS poluper is in use, the more prone to attack...

Monday, January 02, 2012

10 The film, At Most Downloaded in 2011

Although only available and can be seen in theaters, not a few films to be hunted for download alias download on certain web sites. Activity over the internet movie piracy has long been underway. However, at this year's piracy rates decreased when compared to the year 2010. Last year, most downloaded film Avatar, which is about 16 million times. In 2011, best selling pirated movies just downloaded by more than 9 million times. Decreasing the number of downloading pirated movies is likely to be affected by the streaming service provided by sites like Netflix. With streaming, users no longer need a large space in their hardware so that only watch the movies they want for streaming through Netflix. The existence of tablets that provides a collection of digital movies and books like the iPad...

Sunday, January 01, 2012

Minecraft, Games Best Time Magazine

Time magazine cover in 2011 with the release of various lists 10 things that are considered as achievements over the last year. In the category of video games, Minecraft turns out as champions.Ranked first, followed Minecraft Portal 2, The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword, Uncharted 3, Batman: Arkham City, Bastion, Skyrim, Dark Souls, Sword and Sworcery, and Battlefield 3. Although the existence of Minecraft has started since May 2009, Time magazine argues that the 1.0 version of this game just released in November 2011 so it is considered appropriate to enter the list.When compared graphically with similar games Skyrim, clear title Minecraft...

Got Despite Chrome, Google Still Embraces Firefox

Google finally re-extend the contract for cooperation with the Mozilla Firefox browser. Whereas before, Google had reportedly will stop the cooperation especially Google Chrome more and more popular than Mozilla Firefox. Cooperation between the two search engines offer this form of ads placed on search engine pages. If Internet users are using Firefox click on the page ads in the Google search engine, Google will pay to Mozilla on the ad. Return Instead, Google became the default search engine in Firefox. Google and Mozilla's contract expired last November 2011. If Google does not extend such cooperation, Mozilla likely to lose about 80...

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