cosmonauts Six Clock Runs Out of This World

Moscow: Russian cosmonaut Oleg Kononenko and Anton Shkaplerov take action to walk in space, outside the International Space Station (ISS). Russian federal space agency Roscosmos report, the action was carried out on Thursday (16/2), at 18:31 local time and lasted about six hours.
Similarly, as reported by the Xinhua website on Friday (17/2).
The cosmonauts are wearing costumes made by the Russian Orlan space-MK, which uses a computerized system. Costume design will eliminate the mechanical arms cargo from the ISS docking module and the module is placed on scientific Poisk.
In addition, they also plan to make additional anti-meteorite...
Thursday, February 23, 2012
Evidently, a Fish also turned out Drunk Marine

Do fish also experience seasickness? A zoologist from Stutgart, Dr Reinhold Hilbig, examines the effect of weight reduction conditions in the water. The study was part of a study of how humans are affected in space.
In the study, forty-nine fish aquarium is placed in the mini and then sent through a plane that went into space. The plane lost simulate the conditions experienced by astronauts outside gravitational angakasa.
Apparently, eight of the fish began to spin with no clear orientation. They swim lingkiaran form. "They're completely out of balance, behaving like humans who experience seasickness," Hilbig said.
"The fish were lost...
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Japanese Scientists Developed Robot Avatar

Tokyo: Telesar V, the latest robot made by Japanese scientists, made with technologies such as genetic robots in movies made by Hollywood, Avatar. In the film portrayed the United States army capable of remotely controlling robots that resemble terrestrial race who wanted they infiltrated.
Telexistence surrogate Antropomorphic long name of the robot is a robot that allows humans to control robot action, as well as see, hear and feel the same way that experienced by the robot.
This robot is operated by the control of humans. To operate, one must use special equipment consisting of the head gear, gloves, and vests are good for controlling...
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Facebook Launches Feature Verified Account
Along with the development of Facebook, there are some elements that make his account with the name of the artist. Impact, many users are tricked the existence of the fake Facebook.
As reported in, the case, Facebook seeks to prevent the fraudulent account. They launched a new feature, namely the Verified Account, Thursday (16/2).
This feature is intended for artists to justify the validity of their accounts. The plan, Facebook will invite a number of artists to submit their personal data, such as ID and Credit Card. After that, it will match the social networking identity card with the user's data is on Facebook.
Not only for the artist, this feature will also be devoted to other users with the requirements of the user account must have a lot of "subscriber". In Twitter,...
Monday, February 20, 2012
Dewaran, The Heaven for divers in the Indonesia Sea
The Terrains at Derawan are varied-from walls and fringing reef to caverns. Big green turtles (chelonia mydas), whitetip leopard and nurse sharks, schooling barracudas, napoleon wrasses, cuttle fish, spanish mackerel, jacks and batfishes, and ornamental reef fishes hang out in record densities and diversity.Dr. Carden Wallace of the Museum of Tropical Queensland found over 50 species of Acropora hard coral on one reef.Not only it is possible to dive with turtle on every dive at derawan, turtles are also found coming on land every night to procreate; hatchlings are often encountered just below the cottages and restaurant.My Favourite site, however...
Tutorial Forex 2
High : Rekor Harga tertinggi dari saat pembukaan (open) sampai akhir (closing) periode tertentu. (contoh :
pada chart periode / timeframe 5 menit, maka harga tertinggi yang terjadi selama 5 menit itu merupakan harga high)
Low : Rekor Harga terendah dari saat pembukaan (open) sampai akhir (closing) periode tertentu. (contoh : pada chart
periode / timeframe daily, maka harga terendah yang terjadi selama hari itu merupakan harga low)
Open : Harga pembukaan periode tertentu. (contoh : pada chart periode / timeframe 5 menit, harga diawali
dengan harga 2.0000. Maka harga open pada range 5 menit itu adalah 2.0000)
Close: Harga penutupan periode tertentu. (contoh : pada chart periode / timeframe 5 menit pada contoh di atas di akhiri dengan harga 2.0050.
Maka harga...