Monday, August 22, 2011

Banish disease with Tai Chi

Tai chi is a martial art from China who harmonize slow movements with breathing. Repeated mention of research conducted diligently doing Tai Chi can dispel some serious diseases.

In the analysis of 26 studies in English and Chinese in 2008, an expert internist and assistant professor at Harvard Medical School Gloria Yeh, reported that Tai Chi lowers blood pressure than 85 percent of the experiments conducted.

Other studies have shown benefits for reducing blood levels of B-type natriuretic peptide, the initial symptoms of heart failure and maintain bone density in postmenopausal women. There are 12 movements of Tai Chi can even treat arthritis arthritis.

Tai Chi is one type of qigong or exercise methods that take advantage of qi (life energy, pronounced "chee"). Tai Chi is said to provide health benefits for virtually everyone from kids to seniors.

Although researchers are not sure, but studies show that Tai Chi can improve the quality of life of patients with breast cancer and Parkinson's sufferers. The combination of martial arts movements and deep breathing can also be practiced even in people in wheelchairs. Tai Chi is also quite promising in treating sleep problems and high blood pressure.

The flexibility and power of Tai chi was associated with physiological and psychological. Chenchen Wang, a professor of medicine at Tufts University have analyzed 40 studies in English and Chinese journals.

Wang found that Tai Chi indeed improve balance, flexibility, cardiovascular fitness and strength. In a study that compares with brisk walking and resistance training, people doing Tai Chi yag has increased more than 30 percent body strength and 25 percent arm strength, almost as much with weight training group, but higher than the pedestrian.

"It works also found to treat pain, stress and anxiety in healthy subjects," said Wang as reported by USNews health com, Monday (08/08/2011).

While writers such as Jane Brody NewYorkTimes quoted saying, "After reviewing the available scientific evidence regarding the potential and health benefits, I have concluded that the right questions to ask yourself is not why you should practice Tai Chi? But why not?".

To learn Tai Chi, one must practice directly with the guidance of a teacher. Learning from books or videos will be judged not effective. Students need real feedback from a teacher who can assess whether the exercise is done correctly.

"One example of a very vague thing that can only be seen by an experienced teacher is a weight-bearing foot should be flat on the floor to avoid knee stress," says, "said Greg Woodson, vice president of the International Foundation of T'ai Chi has been a teacher Tai Chi for 35 years.

Woodson suggested that if there is a teacher who has experience of less than 10 years it must be ensured that he has the support of schools or teachers with more experience.

How many practice Tai Chi are needed? "The data show the minimum amount to effective results is 1-2 sessions a week for 8-12 weeks," said Wang.

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