Thursday, August 18, 2011

Defeat Facebook, Google Plus embed games

Company's Internet search engine giant, Google, which has launched a social media page will rival Google + Facebook by incorporating features of the game.

The game is one of the most popular features on Facebook. An investor social game company Zynga is headquartered in San Francisco, said Google wanted to keep U.S. dominance of Facebook in the social games market money profitably, given the features of the social game became the biggest source of income up to 750 million users worldwide.

Google will initially offer 16 + games including the popular game Bejeweled Angry Birds and the Blitz. Future, Google will provide more games.

Google made a breakthrough ahead with the launch of Google + at the end of June. + Google already has millions of users of the service although it remains to be tested and limited to invitation only.

Google + Facebook is a direct challenger, who has been drawing attention and millions of dollars worth of advertising because people spend more time on the Internet for social networking pages.

In the competition the two camps are increasingly heated, Facebook sends a note to reporters just before Google held a developers game on Thursday night, Facebook says, "If you want to play games on Google +, you must provide access to the game to information from a Google account you. Some mengengar reporters who came to laugh about it.

The journalists who were invited up to get the chance to try out new games products up and speak directly with the developers at an event at Facebook headquarters in Palo Alto on Friday.

Zynga, the social games company that has filed a public sale of shares to start building a business from Facebook. Now Zynga also be available on Google + although only limited Zynga Poker Farmville or CityVille not including, the Los Angeles Times reported.

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