Saturday, August 06, 2011

Up Grade Honeycomb 3.2 for Users Asus Eee Transformer Pad

Asus offers up to date operating system Honeycomb Honeycomb 3.1 to 3.2 for those users Eee Pad Transformer. Asus has put up date as the first vendor to provide updates Andorid 3.2 FOTA (Firmware Over The Air)

Asus Indonesia press release on Friday (5 / 8) states that up to date can be done over the air.Update operating system that lets users get the maximum benefit.

EEE Transformer Pad is the current Asus flagship. Tablet with a docking station claimed to have power a battery life of up to 16 hours.

Working with Honeycomb, he combined with an intuitive user interface Waveshare from ASUS. Dekungan Eee Docking with a physical keyboard and touchpad, this tablet like a laptop.

Android Update 3.2 for EEE Transformer Pad adds capabilities, among them the Compatibility Zoom function, which can adjust the resolution of the application for display with a native resolution on the Eee screen Transformer Pad (1280x800 pixels).

Eee Pad Transformer has applications Polaris ® Office 3.0. A professional Mobile Office Solution that allows users to edit various types of office documents, including document files (. Doc), spreadsheets (. Xls), and presentation

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