Sunday, August 07, 2011

Fujitsu Offer Scholarship Program Management

Fujitsu announced the opening of enrollment management scholarship program East-West Knowledge Leaders Program (EWKLP) force to the 28th period of 2012 in JAIMS (Japan-American Institute of Management Science) Hawaii, United States.EWKLP short courses lasting three months was aimed at sharpening the intelligence and foster self-confidence of participants in doing business globally and to foster self-confidence to face the global business.

"This scholarship program is a form of social contribution Fujitsu to open up opportunities for citizens of Indonesia to give contribution to Indonesia through learning in a global business," said Setya Rahadi, Country Head Human Resources General Services Legal Fujitsu Indonesia when it held a press conference in Jakarta Restaurant Flower Goela on Friday (5 / 8).

Scholarships are open to all Indonesian people to return the application deadline on 30 November 2011. Until now, there have been 68 Indonesian citizens who follow the scholarship.

Departure of participants scholarship consists of two periods of the Spring Term and Fall Term, the current open enrollment Fujitsu scholarship for the Spring Term which starts on 9 April 2012 until July 17, 2012.

alumni JAIMS EWKLP force to-27 Spring 2011, said the diversity of backgrounds of the participants coming from 12 different countries can provide positive impact to simulate the global business environment.

"This scholarship program is a worthy follow the professionals who want to enrich their knowledge and ability to lead,"
The scholarship program covers tuition, transportation, health insurance and an allowance for living expenses.

Requirements include: Bachelor of all backgrounds, with a minimum GPA of 3.0 and above, the minimum TOEFL 577/233/90 (paper / computer / internet), or a minimum TOEIC 750 or IELTS 6.5 and above, the experience of full employment for a minimum of three years and preferably five years.

"More importantly, how participants can communicate his vision clearly when interviewing," said Setya.

For more information about Fujitsu Scholarship, visit or contact the

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