Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Tech Talk Podcast: Headphones and Managing Music

As the son of Noel Lee, the founder of Monster Cable Products, Kevin Lee grew up around audio gear. The younger Mr. Lee is now branching off into his own business, SOL Republic, and drops by the podcast to discuss his new company’s line of headphones â€" and what elements go into creating a good audio experience for the listener in the first place.When it comes to collecting and managing a digital music collection on the computer, software for Windows and Mac OS X get most of the attention. These two systems are not the only options, however, as Cristian Parrino of Canonical explains. As the vice president of online services for the company that created Ubuntu Linux, Mr. Parrino outlines the music software that comes with this popular free Linux distribution and also discusses the Ubuntu...

Download Mozilla Firefox 6.0.1 Latest Version August 2011

For more details about what features are contained in the latest Mozilla Firefox 6.0.1, can visit the official link here. To the fans of the Mozilla Firefox browser, can Download Mozilla Firefox 6.0.1 Latest Version August 2011 on the official link below. For Windows here

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Male Erectile Dysfunction More Difficult Orgasm Than Ejaculation

Erectile dysfunction (ED) makes the function or the ability to ejaculate penis become blocked. Even so men with ED is still more than able to ejaculate orgasm. Orgasm and ejaculation are two different things although sometimes some men experience it simultaneously. Orgasm is a sensation of pleasure which he felt before the semen out during ejaculation. Well, DE ejaculation in men can still occur even if there are too quickly (premature ejaculation) and there is too long (terhmbat ejaculation). But although it can do ejaculate, the man complained about the difficulty of ED experience the sensation of orgasm. A new study finds that 65 percent...

Signal Amplifiers, Antennas Cell Phone sewn on clothes

Antenna that serves as a cell phone signal amplifier can now be stitched on the shirt. Antennas such coverage is claimed to have four times greater. Thus the findings of the latest technology team of researchers from Ohio State University. Antenna prototype of the new model is made from layers of plastic and metal thread. The results reported in the journal IEEE is claimed to have a range four times greater than a similar antenna mounted on the body. Its implementation could in some areas, but priority for the military field. "Our ultimate goal is to increase the resilience of communications and mobility of soldiers," said Chi-Chih Chen,...

H.P. Plans to Make a Few More TouchPads

 Hewlett-Packard says its tablet liquidation sale was such a hit that it is making some more tablets to liquidate.The tablet, the TouchPad, is getting a brief reprieve from its death sentence. H.P. said on Tuesday that it swas planning to produce one last run of its would-be iPad competitor.Consumers shunned the TouchPad when it was introduced two months ago, and H.P. quickly said it would stop production as part of a broader overhaul. But the remaining tablets went quickly after their price was discounted 80 percent. So many people wanted them, in fact, that H.P. could not fill all the orders.“Since we announced the price drop, the...

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Twitter Becomes a Playground During Hurricane Irene

Twentieth Century Fox Scenes from the movie “The Day After Tomorrow” were shared on Twitter during Hurricane Irene. 1:13 p.m. | Updated Revising timing of some hoax images shared on Twitter. Hurricane Irene, which was traveling at a leisurely 13 miles per hour, took its sweet time arriving in New York. As boredom quickly set in for many, Twitter became a massive chatroom of New Yorkers with nothing to do but tweet, retweet and tweet some more, from their homes. It seems everyone joined in. Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg preached caution on his Twitter feed. News outlets used Twitter as a reporter’s notepad, sharing every aspect...

Friday, August 26, 2011

Half of America Is Using Social Networks

Social networks crossed another milestone.For the first time, half of all adults in the United States said they use a social networking site, according to a survey released Friday by the Pew Research Center.That’s 50 percent of all Americans, not just those who say they are online. Six years ago, when Pew first conducted a similar survey, only 5 percent of all adults said they used social sites, like Facebook, LinkedIn or MySpace.It is a sign of how deeply and widely social networking companies have penetrated the lives of ordinary people and in turn, transformed the ways in which people communicate, authorities govern and companies sell things.Parents use Facebook to vet nannies, car makers to launch new models, police to keep tabs on suspects. Federal government authorities are preparing...

Thursday, August 25, 2011

RIM to Start a Music-Sharing Service

OTTAWA â€" Research In Motion on Thursday announced a new music sharing system based on its BlackBerry Messenger instant messaging system.The company hopes that the popularity of BlackBerry Messenger will enable BlackBerry Messenger Music to distinguish itself in a marketplace that is overwhelmingly dominated by Apple’s iTunes.While BlackBerry Messenger Music customers will be able to store songs on their smartphones to enable listening without an Internet connection, they will not own the music, as is a the case with iTunes. The system will also not allow users to transfer that music from their phones to computers.Research in Motion says that the new service will allow users to choose from a library of about 10 million songs. But because it is intended to be a social networking service...

Apple’s New Chief E-Mails Its Staff

After Steven P. Jobs’s technology/jobs-stepping-down-as-chief-of-apple.html?hp">resignation as Apple’s chief executive on Wednesday, Timothy D. Cook, his successor, sent an e-mail to Apple’s staff reassuring them that “Apple is not going to change.” His message is a mix of cheerleading and an homage to the man he described as his mentor. The entire e-mail follows:Team:I am looking forward to the amazing opportunity of serving as C.E.O. of the most innovative company in the world. Joining Apple was the best decision I’ve ever made and it’s been the privilege of a lifetime to work for Apple and Steve for over 13 years. I share Steve’s optimism for Apple’s bright future.Steve has been an incredible leader and mentor to me, as well as to the entire executive team and our amazing...

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Text of Jobs’s Resignation Letter

Apple released this letter from Steven P. Jobs on Wednesday as it announced that he was stepping down from the post of chief executive. To the Apple Board of Directors and the Apple Community:I have always said if there ever came a day when I could no longer meet my duties and expectations as Apple’s C.E.O., I would be the first to let you know. Unfortunately, that day has come.I hereby resign as C.E.O. of Apple. I would like to serve, if the Board sees fit, as Chairman of the Board, director and Apple employee. As far as my successor goes, I strongly recommend that we execute our succession plan and name Tim Cook as C.E.O. of Apple.I believe Apple’s brightest and most innovative days are ahead of it. And I look forward to watching and contributing to its success in a new role.I have...

5 Tips for Preventing Malware Safe on Facebook

Facebook popularity provoked interest in the cyber criminals to spread malicious programs on the social networking site. Sensational video titles often fooling users, but it's just a trap.Here are 5 tips for safe quoted just went from the security firm Eset, Friday (19/08/2011).1. Always use security software on a computer, equipped with high performing antivirus, and do not forget to always update it.2. Always be aware if there is a suspicious conversation. Example, chat with a foreign language and a strange arrangement of letters.3. Avoid clicking on strange links. Typically, related porn videos and other things it called sensational.4....

IOS 5 infiltrated application quake warning

Apple's latest operating system IOS 5 comes earthquake early warning applications aimed at Apple users in Japan.According to users who have access to the beta version of IOS 5, there are options in the Notification Centre setting that allows Japanese users receive early warning of earthquakes. IOS 5 can be run on the Apple iPhone, iPod touch and iPad.Apple reported in the 9to5 blog, use an application that takes a large battery.Japan's earthquake warning system has been online since 2007. That system would provide an earthquake warning two minutes before the quake so that users can save themselves. The system was also able to send text alerts...

Modern Human Brain increasingly shrinking, We The Stupid?

LONDON - The brain may be big but about the performance is not necessarily efficient. That's about the tentative conclusions related to comparisons of intelligence between the ancient with the modern humans.Previously trapped disagreement among scientists about the effects of brain volume decline experienced by modern humans when early humans evolved from. Disagreement began when it was discovered that mentions during the last 20,000 years, the average human male brain volume decreased from initially 1500 to 1350 cubic centimeters cubic centimeters. The decrease was equivalent to a tennis ball.Kathleen McAuliffe writes in Discover magazine...

Google Reaches $500 Million Settlement With Government

12:48 p.m. | Updated to include official announcement. The Justice Department announced Wednesday that Google will pay $500 million to settle government charges that it has shown illegal ads for online Canadian pharmacies in the United States.The investigation was first revealed in May, when Google said in a government filing that it set aside $500 million for the potential settlement of a Department of Justice investigation into its advertising practices. The move decreased its quarterly profit by 22 percent.At the time, government technology/13google.html">officials said the investigation concerned ads from online pharmacies that operate illegally by failing to require a prescription or selling counterfeit drugs. Google has said in the past that regulating these pharmacies on its site...

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

China Overtakes U.S. in PC Shipments

China has reached yet another milestone in its rise as a consumer of technology by becoming the biggest market for personal computers.In the second quarter, manufacturers shipped 18.5 million PCs in China compared with 17.7 million in the United States, according to IDC, a market research firm. It is the first time that shipments in China have exceeded those in the United States.The shift reflects China’s growing appetite for electronics and the increasing wealth of its huge population. However, it is likely just a temporary phenomenon â€" at least this year.The United States is expected to remain the top market for the full year with 73.5 million PC shipments versus 72.4 million in China, IDC said. Shipments in the United States typically rise in the fourth quarter because of the holidays...

Why Flash Is the Future of Storage in Data Centers

Flash memory has taken over the world of consumer computing as the storage technology used in iPods, iPads, smartphones and digital cameras.It is light, fast, energy-efficient and increasingly inexpensive when used in the comparatively small doses required by consumers.Flash had made inroads in data-center computing, but mainly for specialized applications and in hybrid systems. What has held up the advance of flash for industrial-strength computing has been price. It has traditionally been 5 to 10 times more expensive to store a comparable chunk of data on flash than on hard disks.But the cost handicap is eroding. And a start-up, Pure Storage, that is opening its business on Tuesday, makes a strong claim for the changing economics of flash.It asserts that its flash-and-software technology...

Monday, August 22, 2011

Malware increasingly creative Deceptive Facebooker

Trojan malicious program that spreads using the media of social networks like Facebook and other more creative to fool potential victims. Mode is enough to attract attention is to lure the help, as did the Trojans were identified as Win32/Delf.QCZ.Eset security company said this is one variant of a trojan that downloads other malware from the internet. As it is known that the worm spread through a link on social networking sites and act by intervening in several security applications to disable security applications such detection.Win32/Delf.QCZ said to use old applications 'fake codec / media player' and links to malware-laden sites that...

Install ulang Windows di Netbook Dengan FlashDisk

Selama ini sudah kesekian kalinya saya ditanyai teman, punya "dvd eksternal gak? mau buat nginstall ulang netbook"...Saya jawab , waduh gak punya... Pernah sih waktu itu punya dvd eksternal mac, tp itu gak bisa jg buat nginstall ulang netbook utk OS windows, dvd eksternal mac cm mau buat puter dvd di mac atau bisa jg puter windows pake vmware/bootcamp/sejenisnya di OS mac. Berhubung yang nanya gak 1-2 orang, saya cari-cari caranya gan... Install ulang pakai Flashdisk punya beberapa keuntungan dibanding install ulang pakai dvd windows, kalo pake dvd itu rawan baret dvdnya, yg bisa memperlambat install atau bahkan macet installnya... nah kalo...

Illegal Downloads of Fox Shows on the Rise

technology/bits-fox/bits-fox-blog480.jpg" alt="" width="480" height="258" />screenshot via The Pirate BayBitTorrent downloads of the Fox show MasterChef have almost doubled in the past week.It looks like the television studios did not learn anything from the missteps of the music industry.Last month Fox said it would wait eight days after its shows air before making them available on Hulu, the video-streaming Web site. Consumers who want to watch these shows online will now have three choices: Watch the shows live; wait eight days until the videos are posted online by Fox; or, as many have decided to do, watch them illegally.Fox shows are...

Human Brain Need Vacation

Doing the same routine every day will lead to boredom, boredom and the brain can not work optimally. For that there are four reasons that make the human brain needs a vacation.A study conducted by the Families and Work Institute found that doing a vacation like going to museums or the beach nearby is important for the brain.Here are 4 reasons that make the holiday becomes important for the brain, as quoted from Myfoxorlando com, Tuesday (16/08/2011), namely:1. Improve MemoryDr. Russell Poldrack as director of the Imaging Research Center at the University of Texas at Austin said the holiday will provide a new experience, this condition will...

Banish disease with Tai Chi

Tai chi is a martial art from China who harmonize slow movements with breathing. Repeated mention of research conducted diligently doing Tai Chi can dispel some serious diseases.In the analysis of 26 studies in English and Chinese in 2008, an expert internist and assistant professor at Harvard Medical School Gloria Yeh, reported that Tai Chi lowers blood pressure than 85 percent of the experiments conducted.Other studies have shown benefits for reducing blood levels of B-type natriuretic peptide, the initial symptoms of heart failure and maintain bone density in postmenopausal women. There are 12 movements of Tai Chi can even treat arthritis...

The Sims enliven Facebook

Popular game The Sims franchise has already enjoyed by the Facebooker. With the presence of The Sims, Facebook's platform more robust given the games on this site like a magnet for intenet users, in addition to the features owned by Facebook itself. Although The Sims version of Facebook is not 'deep' the PC version, but it is designed to remain attractive. With a 10-year-old dikawinkannya this game with Facebook, users will be able to post their activities on the wall or in your News Feed. The Sims is a game that presents interactions that occur in real life. The characters in this game can become friends, fall in love, get married and...

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Skype Buys GroupMe, a Mobile Messaging Start-Up

Skype, the Internet calling service, said on Sunday that it was buying GroupMe, a year-old start-up in New York that offers a group-messaging service for cellphones.GroupMe, which has raised about $12 million from investors, is among technology/11group.html">a new wave of mobile services and start-ups that let multiple people participate in discussions, similar to a group chat room or e-mail.Tony Bates, the chief executive of Skype, said discussions around an acquisition began back in May, when Microsoft technology/11skype.html?pagewanted=all">announced it would buy Skype.“We’ve had a very strong focus on the audio and video side, but we haven’t really focused on text,” he said in an interview on Sunday. “We think the group-mobile-messaging market is changing the way people interact...

Saturday, August 20, 2011

10 Factors that Make Men Sterile

Infertility or fertility disorder is not just a problem of women but also men. There are several factors that can cause fertility problems in men can cause infertility. What is it?Within the last 50 years, male fertility is estimated to have declined about 2 percent per year. Most of fertility disorders in men is caused by wrong lifestyle choices.Experts revealed that when a couple experiencing infertility, then the third is caused by women, one third are caused by men and one third can be caused by both.Causes of infertility in males can be caused by genetics, but there are also related to lifestyle. Here is beebrapa things that can increase...

Inventor of WWW Crowned the Most Inspirational People

Inventor of WWW (World Wide Web), Tim Berners-Lee was awarded the title as the most inspirational person in their 50s. This British man to beat aging actor Hugh Grant, Colin Firth and a long list of other big names.Is a member of the club dot com high50 named Lee who became a figure that is considered most able to provide a positive influence on British society. This club is an online community to believe that life begins at age 50.50 names which contain those inspirational collected by a number of journalists who then leave the decision on the reader by way of voting sites.Responses obtained from this site quite a lot. They receive as many...

Friday, August 19, 2011

F.T.C. Says It Will Not Investigate Ashton Kutcher

It looks like Ashton Kutcher is in the clear.Mr. Kutcher drew criticism this week after the release of an online-only version of Details magazine that he guest-edited. In the issue, the actor failed to fully disclose his investments in more than a dozen technology companies that were profiled.On Thursday, Richard Cleland, assistant director of the division of advertising practices at the Federal Trade Commission, said in an interview that people had an obligation to disclose their investments in that kind of editorial context, adding: “It’s certainly a possibility that a case like this could be investigated.”But on Friday, the F.T.C. appeared to back away from that stance. It issued a statement on Twitter that said: “The F.T.C. is not and has no plans to investigate Ashton Kutcher.”...

Google Add Features Weather Maps

The function of Google Maps is now more and more. Google adds new features to the service layer in the form of weather mapping was hers. With this feature, users can find the latest weather conditions for a region.Reported by Digital Trends, Friday (19/08/2011), this feature can be activated via the drop-down menu at the top right of the screen Maps, which also include other layers such as traffic and transit. Weather this layer only appears when users zoom out in the targeted region.The information appears as a pop up window will show the weather conditions across the region on the map. Additionally, the menu will appear that lets users...

Western Digital (WD) Recommend Drive 1TB for Notebooks

Western Digital (WD) WD Scorpio Blue drives streamline to 9.5 mm. Because the lean, hard drives 2.5 "1TB capacity is now more suitable for notebooks.As noted in a statement received on Friday (08/19/2011), 1 Tera Byte (TB) WD Scorpio Blue 500 GB using two discs.Matt Rutledge, vice president and general manager of Client Storage, WD, said the hard drive is an option with the highest storage capacity for portable computers.With the large capacity hard drive was a small thin, Rutledge said the slim-sized mobile devices can still have a large capacity. This hard drive is also suitable for use in said external storage and digital media players.Some...

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Ashton Kutcher Could Face Questions About Disclosure

Ashton Kutcher may not have much of a future in journalism. When he served as guest editor of an online-only version of Details magazine, he failed to fully disclose his investments in Internet companies profiled in the issue. And that could draw questions from federal authorities.Details The actor Ashton Kutcher has ties to companies featured in an online-only Details issue. He is on the cover of the September print issue.The special issue, called “The Social Issue,” showcases some fast-growing technology start-ups without making it clear that Mr. Kutcher is an investor in a majority of them, including Foursquare, Flipboard and Airbnb.Richard...

Defeat Facebook, Google Plus embed games

Company's Internet search engine giant, Google, which has launched a social media page will rival Google + Facebook by incorporating features of the game.The game is one of the most popular features on Facebook. An investor social game company Zynga is headquartered in San Francisco, said Google wanted to keep U.S. dominance of Facebook in the social games market money profitably, given the features of the social game became the biggest source of income up to 750 million users worldwide.Google will initially offer 16 + games including the popular game Bejeweled Angry Birds and the Blitz. Future, Google will provide more games.Google made...

FBI Launches Missing Child Locator Application

The U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) launched an application for finding missing children.According to the news on the website LiveScience, Monday (8 / 8 / '2011), with an application called Child ID, parents can keep important information about their child, such as photographs, fingerprints, and posture. Important data stored in the application can be directly sent to the police via electronic mail.The application also includes a guide for parents about what to do after her son disappeared. For now, applications can only run on the iPhone device and downloaded for free at Apple App Store. However, the FBI seeks to develop Child...

AT&T Plans to Offer Only an Unlimited Texting Plan

AT&T said Thursday that it is getting rid of its lower-tier texting plan that lets people pay $10 a month for 1,000 text messages. Instead, the company plans to offer new subscribers only one plan: unlimited texting for $20 a month. Those who don’t want to fork over $20 can choose to pay for each text, starting at 20 cents per message.AT&T said the move was an effort to streamline and simplify its offerings, promising that that existing customers would be able to keep their existing plans, even if they switch to a new phone.The shift, which was first reported by Engadget, goes into effect this Sunday.“The vast majority of our messaging customers prefer unlimited plans and with text messaging growth stronger than ever, that number continues to climb among new customers,” said Mark...

Listening to the Future of Social Media Career Related

Senior Manager, Social Media; Manager, Social Media & Marketing; Assistant Marketing Manager, Social Media; Team Lead, Social Media; Coordinator, Social Media; Social Media Specialist; Social Media Editor; Social Media Strategist; Social Media Consultant; Social Media API Programmer; Social Media Intern; Director of Social Media Marketing; Social Media Director The above list is some office work that is needed and one of the sites listed on job and career renowned for workers in the field of social networking, socialjobsonline com. Director of Social Media is the latest executive positions that are part of the company's top management...

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Play Games Android Phone with Stik Playstation 3

An application for the Android phone made by the Dancing Pixel Studio allows users to connect the Playstation 3 sticks with their phones. Thus, the fun game play can be guaranteed because not all can enjoy playing games by touching a finger to the Android mobile phone screen.The application is called Sixaxis Controller available in the Android Market and can be downloaded at a price of $1,5 . The application makers reasoned that the latest mobile phones with high-definition display will present a better playing experience so it needs to be balanced in a way that is also comfortable playing. During this time, some people are still not used...

Bits Pics: Inside Apple’s New Grand Central Store

Metropolitan Transportation Authority A rendering shows the interior of the new Apple store, with soaring ceilings above stark tables.The Real Deal Construction workers began moving furniture and erecting scaffolding on at the site of the Apple store.   Metropolitan Transportation Authority The Apple store will occupy two levels of Grand Central Station.  Metropolitan Transportation Authority The entrance, at the top of the staircase, to the Apple Grand Central Store. The City Room blog reports that the Metropolitan Transportation Authority released renderings Tuesday of the Apple store that...

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

European Telescope Detection of Oxygen in Space

European Space Agency's Herschel Telescope has found the first evidence regarding the confirmation of the presence of molecular oxygen in space, says a report published this week in the Journal of Astrophysics.The trail has long escaped the astronomers were found in the stars in the constellation Orion."Oxygen gas discovered in the 1770s, but it took us more than 230 years to finally say with certainty that this very simple molecules exist in space," says Paul Goldsmith, Herschel project scientist at NASA's agency laboratory in California.Astronomers say that the oxygen contained in the ice covering the surface of small dust grains, which...

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